Ready ready ready

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The next morning, Friday, you went through the same routine as always, but this time you have a weird feeling in the pit of your stomach.

Your school schedule on Mondays and Fridays were the same. All 6 classes, plus a SMART period between 2nd and 3rd period. SMART was for students to do any work they wanted to do, or they could use it to go to retake tests, or use it to read, nap, and relax. Your SMART teacher was, you guessed it, Sr. Chido.

You have Spanish during 2nd period and as you approach the classroom, you begin to feel nervous. You felt dizzy and you legs began to wobble, the busy hallways didn't help. Sr. Chido left his door open, per usual, for students to come in, but you didn't want to walk in class feeling like this so you stood outside of the classroom against the wall, using it for support. You try your best to look normal, but you had a look of nervousness in your eyes. You put your hood above your head and pulled out your phone. You scrolled aimlessly on Instagram, pretending to be busy, and distract your mind. You had 3 minutes before your class started so you continued to stare at your phone until you felt a large hand on your shoulder.

You gasp and jump back. Looking up you saw your friend Henji. Your tall, football playing friend looked at you with worried eyes. "Sorry Y/n, didn't mean to scare you. You look a bit nervous, you okay?" He asks you, referring to the look you had on your face.

"Oh-uh, yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for checking Henji. I have a test in Spanish that I'm a bit nervous for, that's all." You say, giving him a soft smile.

"I'm sure you'll do great, you always do." Henji responded. "I'll see you later Y/n, good luck on your test!" Henji said as he begins to walk to his next class.

"See ya!" You call back.

You look at the time, 1 minute left before class started. You were feeling better and decided to go in. Most of the class was already inside, but were scattered around the room, socializing. You look up to see Sr. Chido at his standing desk, staring at his computer.

Your teacher sees you and seems to release a breath he was holding. "Oh Y/n, you're finally here. Can you help me with something on my computer?"

You walk over to his computer and stand next to him. On his computer were typed out words. You began to read when Sr. Chido whispers, "You scared me. You usually come into class early."

"Yeah, sorry. I just needed a second." You say back. Your first period class was directly below your Spanish class, so it didn't take you long to get to your 2nd period.

"You don't need to apologize. I saw you standing at the wall, do you want to talk after class about it? I would say we can talk after school, but Aar- Agent Hotchner will be here."

"Uh, sure." You say, quickly glancing at Sr. Chido. His eyes were dark, must have stayed up late last night.

On his computer, he pulled up a document which he had typed, "I'm working close with the bureau, for your safety, we have eyes on you throughout the whole day. You must tell no one what we are doing, not even your friends. We'll have to tell you mom though, to get permission since you are under 18." As you read you felt your teachers eyes on you. After your little scene outside he wanted to make sure you were okay.

As class starts, everyone finds their seats. Sr. Chido teaches his class like usual and shows no sign of bother. You on the other hand, you couldn't help but imagine the worst happening. Knowing a serial killer is on the loose and could bust down the door and do unspeakable things at any time you cringe. You imagine the UNSUB finding you and taking you as his next victim. You shudder at the thought of it.

Class soon ends and everyone begins to leave the room. You stay behind, organizing papers to avoid any suspicion from your classmates. Once everyone had left and the door was shut, Sr. Chido walks over to you and you place the papers out of the way to make room for you to sit on the desk.

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