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     TWO TWELVE YEAR OLDS sat on an elegant bed as the one with pretty, bright eyes ran her fingers through the black hair of the other. The smaller of the two hummed an unfamiliar tune, one that Azula could only assume was from another nation.

Uzume paused her fingers in Azula's hair, "Azula, if you could be anything else in the world, what would you be?"

    Azula snorted, "Ridiculous question. I'd be myself. My life is perfect." Uzume hummed in slight disapproval at Azula's answer.

    "I'd be a beloved dancer. Everyone would know who I am for my talent. My parents would realize that even though I can't bend an element, I can still be successful," She sighs dreamily, "And I'd go to this bakery and the main baker would give me treats for free... and we'd fall in love."

    Azula turned to Uzume with a look of disdain, "That's ridiculous. You are a beloved dancer to me." Uzume nodded slightly, "Yeah but, more people would love me." Azula knew what Uzume meant by more people. Zuko.

    Later that night, Azula stared down at her sleeping best friend with soft eyes, "I don't know how to bake, but I'd learn just so I can be the baker in your dreams." Azula whispered as she softly pet Uzume's hair, unknowingly waking the girl.

    Uzume sat on top of Appa, staring at the stars longingly as wind blew through her hair. Appa was currently following June and Nyla as they ran to find Iroh. She took deep breaths as she tried to calm her nerves as she thought of Aang's disappearance. She felt tears brim her eyes as she thought of Sozin's Comet, which she quickly wiped away when Zuko put his hand on hers.

   "We're going to Ba Sing Se?" Zuko eyed June and her mole.

   Nyla scratched at rubble from the wall as June talked, "Your Uncle's somewhere beyond the wall. Nyla's getting twitchy so he can't be too far. Good luck." June pulled her reins on Nyla and they began to depart from the group.

    Zuko sighed, "It's been a long day. Let's camp and start our search again at dawn." He wrapped his arm around Uzume and she snuggled into his side. He helped her down as Appa layed down, allowing them to sleep by his side. Sokka and Suki slept on Appa's tail while Toph earthbended a tent for her and Katara to share.

    Uzume's head laid on Zuko's chest and her brain had started to wind down as a ring of fire surrounded the group. The group stood in alarm as they looked up at four men in uniforms.

     "Well, look who's here." One of the old men revealed himself and snorted, causing Sokka and Katara to relax while Uzume tried to avoid his eyes, seeing as the only time she's seen him, she and her friends had him imprisoned.

    Toph was clearly confused as she felt the people around her, "What's going on? We're surrounded by old people." Toph gripped onto Uzume's arm as Toph recalled her bad experiences with old people.

     Katara walked up to them with a smile, "Not just any old people. These are great masters and friends of ours." Katara stops in front of one and bows, "Pakku."

    The old man bowed in return, "It is respectful to bow to an old master but how about a hug for your new grandfather?" He opened his arms wide to embrace Katara.

    Katara returns his embrace, "That's so exciting. You and Gran Gran must be so happy to have found each other again."

     Uzume watched dumbfounded as the water tribe siblings reconnected with their new grandpa, a little impatient as they kept talking. She did, however, find it enjoyable to watch Sokka be pushed off by his grandpa when he hugged him.

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