•|• Part 1 •|•

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     “Akaashi, please just hear me out,” Kuroo begged Akaashi as he followed Akaashi out of his apartment. 

     Kuroo speeds up and grabs Akaashi’s arm, turning him around and stopping Akaashi from walking farther from him.

     “What Kuroo, you know I’m with Bokuto, you can’t keep flirting and stuff!” Akaashi snapped as he pulled his arm out of Kuroo’s grip.

     “Akaashi, I like you, and before you start, yes I know you’re with Bokuto but, let’s just hide it. No one has to know but us. Ok?” Kuroo pleaded to Akaashi as he takes a step closer to Akaashi.

     “I-, Kuroo, it might not be a good idea,” Akaashi replied, taking a step back.

     “Well then, do you like me?” Kuroo asked as he took another step closer to Akaashi.

     “...I don’t know, I mean I think I’m starting to,” Akaashi whispers looking to the side as he tries to take a step back but bumps into a wall stopping him.

     “So let’s just keep it a secret,” Kuroo says, lifting up Akaashi’s chin making Akaashi look at him in the eyes as he puts his other hand on the wall behind Akaashi.

     There was a moment of silence, just them looking into each other’s eyes till Akaashi finally said something breaking the silence between the two.

     “Fine but only for A day, alright?” Akaashi said looking at Kuroo annoyed.

     “Make it forever,” Kuroo started to lean into Akaashi still looking into his eyes.

     “Kuroo, fine but if you get bored or whatever tell me and end it ok?” Akaashi replied looking away from Kuroo but Kuroo turns his head to look at him again.

     “Alright fine,” Akaashi said, finally giving in.

     Kuroo then leaned in like he was going to kiss Akaashi on the lips but kisses Akaashi on the cheek instead.

     Kuroo walked away with a smirk painted on his face, while leaving Akaashi a little dumbfounded but also a little guilty. 

     Akaashi drives to meet Bokuto for dinner but he can’t get the scene with Kuroo from earlier out of his head, “Akaashi, I like you,” were the only words that kept playing on loop in his head. Akaashi also couldn’t get the thought of wanting Kuroo’s lips on his after that. 

     Akaashi makes it to the restaurant that he and Bokuto planned on meeting at. Before Akaashi got out of his car, he gets a text from none other than Kuroo.

     Akaashi honestly didn’t know if he should answer or not but he took his phone out and replied to Kuroo.



Hello Love <3

What do you
need Kuroo

  I have to get to
dinner with Bokuto

Oh well I just
wanted to see
how you’re doing

           Kuroo really I have to go, goodbye

Akaashi rolled his eyes as he put his phone back into his pocket and got out of his car. He then started walking into the restaurant and sees Bokuto waiting for him at a table.

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