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Yun Y/n

"I'm sorry Y/n....I think we're really not meant for each other..." He said getting up from the bench we always sitting on "B-But-" "I'm sorry" He said leaving me all alone, being heart broken.

I woked up, tears flowing in my eyes, it's been 5 years and I'm still hurt, I looked at the clock and it's already 7:39 am "Oh no.... I'm late" I uttered, getting up fast, as I took a quick shower.

Putting my work outfit, locking the door of my apartment as I took a leave....."Y/n!!!" I heard my manager called me, holding my shoulder "You're late" She said, "Yes...I know...just let me pass this time" I begged.

She sighed "Fine.... I'll let you pass! Just this time" "And this is your third time getting late" She said "Thank you Ms. Lee" I said "Go back to work" She said, I immediately nodded and left.

Break Time came, and now my colleagues and I are making our way to the canteen "Hey Y/n!" Lea called keeping her pace with me "Hey" I said a bit exhausted "You okay?" She asked "Not really" I said.

"Why?" She said "And these days I observed that you're being late....In three days now" She said, worryingly "I...I don't know" I said, looking at my container.

"These past three days, my ex keep appearing in my dream...all the past memories we have, until we broke up" I uttered to her, she placed her a around my shoulder.

"Girl...did you move on?" She asked "I...I guess? It's been 5 years already" I said, she sighed "Y/n, move on...maybe he has a new one...you should search for someone too" She suggested.

"I tried searching someone....I did it on blind date" I answered "That's good..." "But how come you still hadn't have one?" She asked "I just can't find the perfect guy for me there" I complaint.

To Be Continue

Dᴇsᴛɪɴᴇᴅ | 𝗕𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗻 ✓Where stories live. Discover now