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Your POV

I woke up in a helicopter. As I sit up all the memories come rushing back. The clear (group c's glade) and the men in black and the weepers (greavers) and all the screams of my friends ether being stung or ripped apart. I snap out of my short trip down memories lane and realise the helicopter has landed. I get out with help from my rescuers and we start walking to a building. Once we enter, we're greeted by a man with a very rat looking face and structure. "Hello y/n, my name is Janson." He said and started to lead me to my room. Personally I prefer ratman over Janson any day. Once we're at the door to my room, they tell me to go in as they walk away down the hall. I push the door open and am immediately greeted by three girls. "Hey, I'm Harriet, this is Quill and that's-" "Sonya!" The blonde girl says, she's clearly the more energetic and happy one. "Y/n." I say, not wanting to say to much to these strangers. "Cool. Oh, I think it's time for lunch." Harriet says. "Ooo, yes, I'm starving." Quill says heading for the door. I stand still, not knowing really what to do. Suddenly, I get yanked by the arm, and out the door, by Sonya. "Come on, we'll introduce you to Aris." Who the hell is Aris? I think, probably one of their friends.

We walk into a biggish room with tables and food. I follow the girls to a table which sat a boy. So this is Aris. I think, looking at his stands. "Who are you?" He asks. "This is y/n, our new roommate and friend. Friend. "Oh, well it's nice to meet you. I'm Aris." I mutter a quick 'hi' and sit down next to Sonya. I only do this because she gives off a good vibe. "Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Can I have your attention please." I look to the front of the lunch room to see ratman standing there, ready to give a speech or something. "If I call your name, please come up to the front and get ready to say goodbye to the hateful world around you and hello to paradise." He starts calling out name which I don't really pay any attention to. Instead, I lock eyes with a boy with similar hair to Sonya's. We sit there, staring at each other before Aris starts going on about how he wonders where they are taken and had asked for my opinions on it. By this time all the people who's names were called out had been lead down the hall and around the corner. " I think Ratman needs to watch who he picks, cause I'm not following him." I say, clearing up any confusion that I might actually like him. "Ratman?" Quill question my choice of names. "Janson." Sonya starts laughing at this and soon gets joined by Aris, then Quill, until everyone in our small table is laughing. I fell like a have met some really good people. But our laughter comes to and end as we hear a boy yell out a name. Teresa, was it? I watch as he runs to a window to see his friend and asks a guard where their going. His answer was simple, 'Somewhere. Their ok.' And with that the dark haired boy turns to sit at his table. I notice he's sitting at the same table as the Blondie I locked eye with earlier. He's cute, I've got to admit. He looks my way and we lock eyes again. I smile at him before turning to join in on the conversation around me.

Newt's POV

She was beautiful. Her platinum blonde hair, harsh scars across her face and the most piercing blue eyes you'd every stair into. "What you looking at Newt." Minho question. He has this look on his face:😏. Oh no, I think, he must have seen me staring. "I don't blame you, mate. She's stunning."
"Shut up, Minho." I say, which leaves a grin on his face. But he was right. She is stunning.

Here is the first part to my Newt fanfic. Hope you liked it and if you have any suggestions on what I should add, please tell me. Every and all ideas are welcomed. Hope you have an amazing day, byee!!-a_girl_whos_bored:)


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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