Chapter 111

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The Annunciation Holder held a list, holding a red envelope in his hand, and the Party Secretary led the way.

"That's right, we're here."

At this time, Zhao Lanxiang's palms began to sweat, and she subconsciously held her breath, gazing around, looking for the figure of He Songbai.

He was not present at such an important moment. Zhao Lanxiang sent Sanya to find him.

When the village party secretary met Zhao Lanxiang, he was overjoyed, "Zhao Lanxiang, congratulations!"

"Truly worthy of being a progressive young woman from the city. Last year I saw the article you wrote in the newspaper. It was excellent. I didn't expect your exam results to be so good!"

Zhao Lanxiang groaned a little, the brigade clerk's visage was as happy as if he was picking up money.

The village branch secretary said happily: "You have passed the test!"

"It's more than a hundred points higher, definitely not easy! You are the number one champion in our county!"

Zhao Lanxiang did everything, but Wu Liangping, who she guarded against, did not become an obstacle for He Songbai. Instead, she became an obstacle for Bo Ge.

The smile on her lips froze.

She scored correctly during the exam and left some blanks like other candidates. Unexpectedly... it made her the county champion.

Sanya finally brought her elder brother at this moment. He Songbai heard those words just after he arrived, and he could not help revealing his white teeth.

He enthusiastically brought the good-news bearers into the house to sit and drink hot wine.

The brigade clerk said lightly to He Songbai: "You have scored past the cut-off marks, a few tenths higher, but I have forgotten how many points higher. Anyway, you've passed, you can do it too..."

He couldn't help looking away, "You can go to college without prior serious schooling."

"After a while to go to the medical examination to see if you meet the requirements."

Hearing this Zhao Lanxiang's heart warmed up, a smirk adorning her face. She said: "You see Brother He is as strong as a cow, and the medical examination is accurate."

The clerk erred and said slowly, "That's true."

He glanced at He Songbai. The man in front of him was tall and strong. It would be too difficult to convince people to brush them down on the ground that the medical examination failed.

His younger brother also took the college entrance examination this year, but he was still a few points away from the cut-off mark. If the He's youngest son could not succeed getting in, he(the clerk) would also be able to give a quota to his younger brother.

Zhao Lanxiang caught on the brigade clerk's hesitance and clenched her fists.

Li Zhishu turned his attention to Zhao Lanxiang and paused: "This is the county's reward for your outstanding achievements. I hope you study hard and do not live up to the cultivation of the party and the people. You will devote yourself to the cause of building socialism in the future!"

As finished speaking, he hurriedly retreated after delivering the good news.

After leaving the old house of the He family, the brigade clerk pondered upon his moral compass. After all, He Songbai was a descendant from the Black Classes and was guilty of carrying their crimes on his body. Although now it's reformed, he still thought this kind of person should not be allowed to go to university. In this way, if he can't go to university, the quota will be vacant. Others can have a go at taking He Songbai's quota and making adjustments here and there could let his younger brother get the opportunity of entering college.

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