morning practice

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"C'mon, you need to get up!" You yelled at your boyfriend, using your strength to pull his comforter out of his bed, but he just keeps on pulling it back, this is one of your normal morning routines with Rukawa

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"C'mon, you need to get up!" You yelled at your boyfriend, using your strength to pull his comforter out of his bed, but he just keeps on pulling it back, this is one of your normal morning routines with Rukawa.

Ever since the two of you unexpectedly start dating, you've been doing all the small things for him. The first is to ride on your bike to his home to wake him up and make sure that he's awake before the school ceremony starts. It's not that your house is really that far from his.

You were immediately greeted by his parents, his mother having the usual half-smile on her face almost close to giving out a heavy sigh while mouthing "I'll leave him to you," with that his parents left for work, and you end up going upstairs towards his room.

"Kaede for pete's sake, you have a practice to attend, and I still have classes!"

But, Rukawa was rather, persistent. As he keeps on pulling the comforter back to him, and you doing the same to finally have him get off his bed. But, Rukawa is not an athlete for nothing after all.

In a quick move, you were pulled forward towards him, you froze on top of him, Rukawa ends up having you rolled up by his comforter. He hugged the comforter, including you.

"You're such a loser! Get off!" You tried. You tried to push him and pull away from the hug, only to find yourself being lock inside Rukawa's arms. You were running out of breath, panting on top of him, and his suffocating hug made you unconsciously catch your breath.

Rukawa didn't like how you breathe against his face, that's why he was immediate to shove you and put you next to him instead.

"You're testing my patience jerk. C'mon, or else you have to eat cold food, and besides! I don't want my uniform and hair to get messy!"

"Kaede, let go!"

"I'll just skip." That was the only thing he said after all this time. You're extremely pissed off, you can't even recognize your boyfriend. 'Skip?' Rukawa doesn't skip his practices!

While snuggling his face to the crook of your neck and spooning you, you felt his held loosen a bit that's why you were immediate to grab the chance and take the control. With that Rukawa lazily just agreed to have his wrist pinned on the headboard of his bed.

What's up with him being extra clingy this morning?

"What?" He asked with his eyes closed, still wanting to doze in sleep.

"You'll get up or I won't come here tomorrow morning and the next morning after that? In fact, you're just wasting my efforts. Unlike you, I still have classes, and I don't have a lot of time!"

"You won't do that, you can't resist me." He just responded.

You rolled your eyes, getting off his bed and grabbing your bag. "Fine! I'll head to school by myself, make sure to be late, and have your sleepy ass in detention for the sixth time this month babe!"

From the view in his window, Rukawa watched you angrily start to pedal your bike while muttering things to yourself. The side of his lips rose as he rubbed his eyes lazily, he was rather chill while stretching his arms and hands in the air. Not bother that he's late for the ceremony or even for the practice. His back is still resting on his headboard remembering how you pinned him a while ago.

"Women," he lazily muttered finally getting out of his bed.

She didn't remember it.

His eyes were fixed on the calendar that was placed in his nightstand beside his bed.

Rukawa said to himself that he'll just make it up to you later. And you better make it up to him too.

He felt bad for making you upset but at the same time, he enjoys seeing your face when you're mad for the silly things and this 'morning routine' the two of you have.

After a few shooting and dribbling training with the team, Rukawa changed into his extra shirt, wipe his sweats, and made sure that he'll approach you presentable.

He saw you in the cafeteria laughing with your friends. His brows furrowed when he notices that you don't have your favorite drink on the table along with your usual snacks that you always buy in the cafeteria, so he felt like getting it because you're too transparent than what you actually think.

You rolled your eyes while watching him walk towards your table, your friend starts to nudge your elbows teasing you about it. While you just continue to try your best to hide your smile while watching your boyfriend with your favorite drink in his hand, and a tax expression on his face.

His sleepy eyes are visible, he doesn't have bags instead his eyes look puffy and tired, you guess that he just finished his training.

"What an ass." You muttered under your breath, switching your stares at your (f/d) now placed beside your snacks, and your boyfriend himself.

"Why, you mad?" He asked, if you don't really know Rukawa and his nature, you would've punched him immediately.

"I am, why?" You responded, questioning.

"I should be the one who's mad." He shrugs his shoulders. "You forgot about something."

"What is it?" You didn't even blink, confident that you can prove him wrong, and you're not about to lose no matter how dazzling those blue eyes can be.

"It's our 100th day, idiot." With that you received a flicked on your forehead.

And you make it up to Rukawa by cuddling with him in his house for the rest of the afternoon, after your dismissal and his basketball practice.

"That's why you're actually extra clingy this morning?" You asked him, Rukawa's eyes are half-closed, trying to stay awake for the movie you prepared.

"I'm not clingy," he replied.

"You think you're not?"

"Am not."

"Oh, so you better give me a long-ass explanation why do you have your arms wrapped around me tightly like I'm leaving you anytime soon?"

"Let me sleep, I'll give you the explanation later."

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