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❝ i feel stupid and contagious, here we are now, entertain us ❞


[ generally based off of slap on titan, cause 

thats what inspired me for behind the scenes moments ]

"Well, you can die here! I have an empire to build! Onwards! Towards money!" Jean shouts as if he forgot his lines, this was your time of the day to go fucking crazy with however you wanted your scenes to go. 

You all follow after him, the cameras chasing after your quick movements on the rooftops, where nets were inbetween buildings just in case someone happened to fall.

"To glory, Peasants!"

He roars, only to trip on the edge of the shingled roof, and fall straight into a net. 

"I'm alright!" 

"You're not a prophet, Marco," You sigh, pouring the contents of the water bottle on your head as the summer heat beat down on your and everyone on the set. 

You were both seated atop one of the houses, where everything was cleared just so you could make a mess of todays shooting.

"But I am, and one day i'll be eaten for your sins," He snorts, tearing a page of his scratch script, crunching it up into a tight paper ball, and tossing it into the garbage can.

You were all going to sweat to death if you didn't get this overwith, and you knew it.

"Hey, Get up you two,"

The director says, slapping the side of the roof as he passes by on the ginat firetruck used to help us get up there.

"Hell on earth. Wheres my damn stunt double?"

"Aren't you doing your own stunt-"

"Yes, dumbass. I'm just tired of crashing through windows every day," 

He laughs at you with a small sigh.

"Oh lord Marco, my saviour. If you must, do my stunts and I will forgive all my sins," You groan, pulling your costume jacket on and wiping the sweat off of your forehead.


"Wicked. Now lessgo,"

You and Marco back up, giving each other a high five before Jean comes into the picture, getting ready to run full speed ahead into one of the prop windows.

"Your strap is loose,"

"I don't care,"

As soon as the clapperboard echoes throughout the set, you both press down on the gear, and you go flying forward, pressure falling to your stomach.

sextape, jean kirsteinWhere stories live. Discover now