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( once again, I apologize for any mispelling
in my french! also this is unedited lmfao smh )

"Oh my god, move!" You hiss in a whisper, kicking Nick lightly who was trying to slide into the corner of the couch that you were occupying, well your legs at least. 

You and Jean were taking up a good bit of space, while others were scattered elsewhere in the living room, and you got lucky there was enough room.

Everyone was watching some movie while dinner was being finished up, and it would be so soon you could finally fill your seemingly empty stomach. 

You had pretty much been surviving this hellhole on cookies and spiked eggnog, which obviously wasn't the best way to go, but, it's Christmas.

Nick huffs, slapping you in a way that wouldn't cause too much attention by people who would snitch, 'so and so hit so and so!' which was annoying as fuck.

 So, with a small sigh, you extend your leg to kick him in the shoulder, well, more nudge.

Ignoring him now, you go back to watching the movie, yet you and your brother couldn't help but laugh under your breaths with each other. You were honestly pretty lost by now, and tired, so you close your eyes and get closer to Jean.

Then, like the sounds of angels singing, "Dinner time!"

The entire room was quick to shuffle from their spots in, or on top of furniture, on spaces on the floor and stampede into the kitchen where everyone could fill up their plates with their long awaited meals.

You and Jean were able to push your way to the front so you could get the best servings, and you obviously did. He had figured out your trick to get the good food on top, just push through and apologize since nobody actually gave a fuck.

Once you and him got your dinners, you retreated to the dinner table where people began to come in and sit down as well.

Really, you couldn't help but laugh as your mother told Lydia and Nate that they had to sit at the kitchen counter with the younger kids, since they're barely out of middle school. You were just like them at one point, and the memories were clear in your head already filled with so many others.

Chris and your father had moved to stand and eat in the living room, but your mom had quickly pulled them back in the dining room or else the twins would take their seats, which they wouldn't have let happen either way.

"Y/n, sweetie," You mom speaks, and you swallow your food quickly so you could reply, and turn around in your seat to look at her, who walked past you with a glass of water for your aunt who needed help with her fussy baby. "You're reading the book tonight since your brother doesn't want to this year, Jean you can always help her out as well."

Jean pipes up to the sound of his name, and just nods along with what she had to say. He didn't exactly knew what you were going to read, and so you explained it to him quickly.

Basically, someone was assigned to read 'The Night before Christmas' every year, and since Chris dropped the offer it was your year to do so.

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