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Michael was fed up. For once he'd actually put a shit ton of work into a project, but his teacher went and failed him anyway, and when Michael asked him why he simply said "because I can." He knew that his teacher hated him and was pretty sure it was because he was still holding a grudge against Michael because he had accidentally skated into him last year and spilt coffee all over his shirt which he insisted was new, but Michael could spot the pen marks on it a mile off.

In short, Michael was now not in the best mood and he couldn't wait to get home and take out his annoyance with a good GTA session. He grabbed his skateboard from his locker, slamming the door before walking outside and hopping on. He had only just got out of the school gates when in his daze he didn't realise a rock was in the way and before he knew it he had bailed.

However instead of eating dirt like he expected, he ended up eating shirt. He blinked a few times, a Nirvana shirt to be exact. He put his hands on the persons chest to lift his upper body up and looked down at the body below him.

His breath caught in his throat as he laid eyes on what had to be the most gorgeous being he had ever seen. His foul mood instantly disappeared. The boy had the most stunning blue eyes that would put the ocean to shame and his blonde hair was in a quiff that Michael thought was the cutest thing ever. His eyes then trailed down to his lips and Michael wanted to punch himself in the face because wow, this boy not only had the most beautiful, plump lips that Michael wanted to kiss, but he also had a lip ring. And if Michael said he didn't find that extremely hot, he would have been lying through his teeth.

He realised that he had been staring at the boys lips too long and when he looked back up to the rest of his face he realised the boy's cheeks were tinged pink. This boy was too cute for his own good.

"Wow," was the first word to leave the fiery haired boys lips. "Uhm...I'm sorry, I should probably get off of you right? Yeah, I'll just do that." Michael was never one to be so nervous, but this God of a boy sent his head (and his heart) into a flurry. He reluctantly rolled off of the boy before getting up and offering his hands to help the other boy. The other boy reached for them shyly and Michael grabbed his hands and pulled him up and whoaaaa, this boy was tall!

"Are you even real?"

"Huh?" the boy replied, cocking his head cutely to the side and that's when Michael realised that he had just said that out loud.

"Sorry, it's just that you're so...well you're the most beautiful thing that I've ever seen and I just don't understand how someone as gorgeous as you can actually exist in real life." Michael's hands flew to his mouth as he realised what else he'd just confessed. "Shit, I just said that out loud as well. Uh, I should...yeah I should go. Bye."

And before the other boy knew what was going on, Michael had retrieved his skateboard, jumped on and skated away as fast as humanly possible. Michael was cursing himself the whole way home and was pretty sure that his cheeks resembled his hair very closely. Why couldn't he just be normal around cute guys? Why did he have to always go and mess everything up? Not that the blonde beauty was like any of the other guys Michael had ever found attractive, this boy was in a whole other league; he was surely a heaven sent.

As for Luke, he was left standing there in a daze. He hadn't uttered a single word, but everything that the red haired boy had said had hit him hard. He thought he was beautiful? No one had ever called him beautiful before, let alone 'the most beautiful thing I've ever seen'. And he never expected those words to be spoken to him, especially not from the hottest boy he had ever encountered.

Luke wished he could have said something, done something, but he knew he was far shy to do that. But he still wished he did. He wanted to know the boy with the fiery red hair. However being far too shy to actually go up and talk to him, he would just have to hope that Ashton knew who he was.

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I would just like to apologise for not being around really since before Christmas. I've had a bit of a hectic time as unfortunately just before Christmas my Grandad passed away. He was very dear to me and we were very close. It hit me really hard as I was at his house every day and his loss has really taken its toll on me as our family is very small and so the rest of my family left all live under the same roof everyone has been effected and has taken it differently and it just hasn't really been the best of times.

I don't want to go into too much detail, but I still feel like I owe an explanation as to why I haven't been updating. I've never lost anyone before and I'm not always the best at coping anyway, so I kind of went completely off the radar for a while and I'll admit I wasn't in the best place and I'm still not. I'm also really shitty at talking to people about how I feel and opening up about personal things, so people rarely really know what's on my mind as I keep everything bottled up. My mum thinks I've been depressed for a while and believes it's getting worse and is trying to get me to see someone, but as I said I'm not the best at opening up so I'm kinda avoiding it at the moment.

Also uni applications are stressing me out as well as something else that has really made me question who I am and how people see me. But other than that, I'm all good. In all honesty, I was so happy to get out of the house the other night to see Set It Off and Crown The Empire and then K! Tour the next night. Concerts really help, it's like being in a place where I really belong, it's like a family and everyone's there for the same reason but for different reasons and yeah. It's the best escape ever. Especially since the only other place I had to get away from the house was my grandad's, but that is no longer an option. After the show on the first night I was a bit shaken up due to security misplacing my bag and being on my own and my phone running out of battery and the emotions that I'd been overwhelmed with in the concert. In the end they found my bag and this security guard was so kind and took me back through to buy a shirt and Austin was there and he hugged me and he started rocking me backwards and forwards and held me so tight and before I knew it he had somehow lifted me off the ground and I couldn't stop laughing. I know, it was just a hug, but honestly I haven't really hugged anyone properly since everything happened and I haven't been as open with physical contact which is weird for me because I was always hugging people and I didn't realise just how much I really needed a hug. I just felt so alive in that moment, so safe, like everything was going to be okay and that maybe I can get through this. And yeah, I just wanted to thank Austin for that.

Well that was longwinded and more than I really wanted to say, but yeah. That's why I haven't been as active, but fingers crossed if things go right I will be back here a lot more frequently.

Stay Awesome, I love you!

P.S. if you liked this and want the next part, please comment and/or vote as it really does inspire me to update more.

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