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Mikey's p.o.v.

   I looked up in the middle of showing Harry how to kick flip and saw those blue eyes. Before I could gain control I completely missed the landing, instead landing on my ass. I saw him covering his mouth as he giggled slightly and oh my fucking god he was cute.

   I felt myself smiling and the next thing I know I was walking over to them. I stopped in front of them and suddenly became nervous again.

   "Uh hi, I'm Michael," I said my eyes lingering on Luke before looking at Ashton.

   "Thanks for looking after my brother," he nodded towards Harry. Wait so Harry was Ashton's brother? Oh my god, how long had they been sat here watching?

   "Oh, no problem dude, he's awesome." And I meant it, that kid was determined and I knew with practice he could do just about anything.

   "Hey Ashton, let's go check on Harry," Calum winked at me before heading off with Ashton to go hang out with him, leaving me with the angelic creature that had been occupying my every thought and dream since I first collided with him a few days ago.

   I stood there kind of awkwardly before Luke patted the space next to him offering me to sit next to him, and I jumped at the chance. I literally stumbled into the space next to him as I climbed up the slope of the vert, tripping over my stupid fucking feet as I did so and landing on top of him once again.

   "Holy shit, I'm so fucking clumsy. I'm so sorry," I apologised lifting myself off of him.

   "It's fine," he giggled. "You're not that clumsy, you're pretty darn talented on that board of yours" and just the fact that he thought I was talented filled my heart with warmth.

   "Ah, it seems I'm only this clumsy around you. You must have some kind of effect on me" And I mentally smacked myself because damn that sounded weird and cheesy and whoa. It seemed to make him smile though and I cheered in my head. "So uh, how long have you been sat here for?"

   "A while..." He replied. "We've been sat over there since before you came and I have to say, it was pretty cool of you to stick up for Harry like that."

   "You saw that?" I asked, blushing more than a little.

   "I did, inspirational speech and all."

   "So you saw everything?"

   "Yeah," he shrugged.

   "Oh my god, that's so embarrassing."

   "How come," he sounded confused.

   "Because I bet I looked like a complete sap. I don't usually let anyone see that side of me. I have a reputation to keep up."

   "And what reputation is that?"

   "The 'bad boy'," he used air quotes, laughing slightly. "No, I'm just joking. I'm seen as more of a loser to be honest with you. If you haven't noticed I don't really have that many friends besides Calum," I shrugged and I couldn't believe I had just admitted that to him.

   "Well I'm for one really glad I saw how good you were with Harry, it was cute. And I know I haven't been living around here long and I don't really know you, but I've been told I have a good judge of character and I don't think you're a loser."

   My heart felt as if it was going to beat out of my chest, was this boy for real? He was surely a dream, a figment of my imagination. "So, if you're such a good judge of character, what do you have to say about me? And be honest."

   "Hmmm, well I think you initially come off to people as closed off, but I just think you're a little shy. But I think once people get to know you they'll realise that you're super cool and bit of a weirdo, but in the best way possible, because what's the fun if you're not at least a little weird?"

   I swear I fell in love with him in that second. I had never met anyone like him and I'm still convinced that he was a figment of my imagination, a hologram projected by my brain. But somehow he was real and breathing and right in front of me.

   "You really are something special," I realised that I had said this out loud as I saw him blushing and ducking his head in embarrassment. But it was true, he was more than I could imagine in my wildest dreams.

   "Hey Luke," I snapped out of it and realised that Ashton was calling Luke. "Are you ready to go get ice-cream?"

   "Uh...sure," he smiled at me before hopping down. "Bye Michael," he waved slightly before walking towards Ashton and Harry.

   "Hey Luke," I called and he stopped in his tracks turning around. "I'll see you around yeah?" He nodded, a grin making its way onto his face before he turned back to Ashton and Harry and with that they were walking away.

   I felt Calum standing beside me as my gaze was glued to Luke's back, "How is someone so perfect even real?" I breathed out.

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I'm back...kinda. I don't know, everything's going to absolute shit. I don't even know what's going on with my life anymore

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