Chapter Six: Tragic Memories

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Cinder's POV:

Hunter, Possibly the first person I ever came to idolize and respect, I'd go so far as to say that I actually really cared about him, he was the first to show me kindness and compassion, the first to understand the hardship I was going through under Madame's so called care, he was my first mentor, my first ray of hope...until he wasn't.

After long missions Hunter stopped by the hotel everytime, to rest up and train me, it wasn't easy but that's how it had to be, if I was ever gonna become a Huntress I needed this training to really push me passed my limits and make me stronger.

Hunter only stayed for a couple days before he needed to head out for other missions, meanwhile I remained here having to slave away cleaning, serving, and taking punishments for every little mistake I made, it became more consistent, it was hard to tell if it was because I was lacking due to what little food and rest I got, or whether it was just out of spite towards me, either way my hatred towards her only grew, and that fueled me to endure the pain more and more.

Four years passed, I was now 14, and under Hunter's guidance I had become stronger, faster, more skilled in hand to hand and good at fighting with swords, my semblance also got better as well, I was able to heat things up with my hands, which came in handy when it came to needing to heat things up or clean wet stains on the carpet.

Madame still gave me punishment, but unaware to her I was growing used to it, the stinging sensation was still there everytime she did it, but the pain? Oh the sweet pain was leaving me each time, one thing that I can say I'm proud of is that I am an example that the human body can indeed adapt.

One day while Hunter and I were finishing up, he decided to give me one of the blades that I tried to steal the first time we met, he got on his knee and held the blade up to me.

Cinder: "W-what is this?" I asked.

Hunter: "I think it's about time you practice with a real weapon while you are here alone than a broom or mop." He chuckled as I took the blade from him slowly, it was still so beautiful as it was then and less heavy than I remembered, now I could wave it with one arm without shaking or feeling any strain, no doubt proof that I had grown stronger.

I held the blade up with a sense of pride as Hunter looked at him with a proud smile.

Hunter: "Just a few more years, then you won't need your guardian's permission anymore, you'll be free, free from all this hardship and life of servitude

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Hunter: "Just a few more years, then you won't need your guardian's permission anymore, you'll be free, free from all this hardship and life of servitude." He stated.

Cinder: "Yeah, I'll be a huntress!" I said with great pride in myself, I could see me now, a savoir, a protector, a hero to the people, loved, cherished, respected, and idolized, what more could anyone want?

Hunter: "Alright well, time for me to take off again, I'll be back in a couple of days, practice with that sword anytime you can, from now on that's your baby, and you gotta learn to use her properly if you're gonna be any type of huntress." He stated going over and putting on his travel bag.

I AM THE LIGHTNING!!! (A RWBY Fanfic: Nora's Brother Reader) Vol. 8Where stories live. Discover now