Chapter 3: The mask....

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Hi author here so figured out that i should upload now so yeah hope you like it...

Hinata's POV
So we introduced ourselves and we got to know a little of each other... And of course me introducing myself is half fake you know my emotions everything except my age, name or non personal things....
I knew that Kageyama and me wouldn't get along but I know that he will be a good friend or partner at least with my mask... But with the real me i don't think so... I know that this mask will break so im getting cautious i don't know when... And I know people will either judge, pity, or even pretend to understand me even if they don't I mean why get my hopes up  on thinking that somebody really understands because I know no one will.... I just want peaceful environment, home or surroundings without anyone pressuring or expecting for me to do everything the best....
Im tired but I cant stop if I stop they would be angry....

This mask is my only friend right now..

Ok so that's the end and hope you like i..... Also im sorry if chapters are really short but don't worry I update frequently... 😊😅

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