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I was on the run, heading farther into the woods with the hope of escaping from my pursuer. In order to survive, all it takes was to hide but i couldn't find any hiding spot and worst of all I couldn't see anything, it was pitch black in there.

The thing hunting me was too fast and shadow -like to be a human without a doubt it could be a demon but I neither believed in heaven or hell so it was pointless for me to classify it as a demon. My clothes were almost torn to shreds but I couldn't give up now, not yet.

A light materialized from thin air farther into the woods, I could see it but my legs had chosen to give up on me.
"Not this time, Just a little more to go "I screamed to no one in particular. A strange sound was echoing around me but I
couldn't figure out what it was or where it was coming from. A face hovered over mine, it looked familiar.

"Jasmine ,it called my name and I was pulled out from a trance.
Looking around I finally remembered what had happen. I was in the hospital mainly because I had an accident with my parents.
As I tried to get up a nurse entered my room and cautioned me not to leave my bed.
" I just want to see my parents, nurse".I said to her. No matter how much I tried to convince her, she didn't even budge not a little.

Lying in bed, I overheard whispers from behind the door but I was feeling dizzy, it might be the result from the syringe the nurse injected into me.
I saw the whole world flash before my eyes as I passed out. The only thing I remembered seeing as I became conscious was gazing into the eyes of Petra my childhood friend standing besides my bed.
One could tell from her facial expression that she had been crying even though she had managed to conceal it.

"Petra ,is something wrong " I inquired from her.
" Jasmine, there's something you need to know about the accident ".

The word accident rang in my ears like a strange word. I had entirely forgotten that the reason I was in this hospital was because of the accident I was involved in with my parents. I hope my worst nightmare wasn't happening now.
"Before you do anything, listen carefully. The nurses didn't want me to tell you in this condition you are in but I have no choice but to tell you. "she said with her head facing downwards. I'm truly sorry to tell you this news but unfortunately, Jasmine your parents weren't able to make it, with my heart in tears they are dead".
" No, it can't be, mom, dad you are not leaving me alone "I lamented as I lay my head on Petra's shoulder unable to believe what I just heard now. "Petra can I see their bodies now before they're kept in the morgue fridge ".

"Yes, sure you can see them if you want to really see them".

My parents bodies were seriously disfigured after the accident but they still had that graceful smile on their faces despite them being dead.

The doctor ordered me to stay in the hospital for a couple of days, to help me in replenishing enough energy for the lost one.


I lay in bed gazing at the ceiling till I slept, I don't know how many hours I had slept but that didn't stop me from having my nightmare.
This time around, I was able to get in range with the light and the most unexpected happened. A man was sitting by the light and a look at his face confirmed that he was exquisitely handsome for a man but there was something odd about him. Despite him being in Royal garment, portions of it were shredded. I tried to get some answers from him but all to no avail, he wouldn't even move.
Determined not to give up, I decided to scout around for answers myself. A step forward brought about chills, lying in heaps upon heaps countless men and women were slaughtered by an unimaginable murderer. The sight was unbearable, a little courage controlled my urge to puke. Whoever did this was a mad murderer, he or what did this had ripped off the heads of the victims in a Jack the ripper's style.

I retraced my step back to the man by the light and a closer look informed me that whoever this guy was he was a royal but to be able to survive such torture, he was quite brave and strong. The place was a kingdom and an emblem of an eagle with a snake in its claws were shown on a bunch on banners and walls with an inscription "mors principium vitae" translated into English as "death is the beginning of life". I searched every spot where the slaughter had happened for any survivors but not a single was alive with exception of the man at the light.

Run, run, run and hide a voice shouted, I searched for whoever had said those words and fortunately and unfortunately I found the owner is Was The man at the light but the murderer who committed this atrocity had returned. It was in fact the pursuer in my nightmare and he had finally found me, in the blink of an eye he ripped off my head but not before I had seen his face, it was quite unintelligible. I was staring into the face of the man by the light but how was it even possible, I saw him by the light so how is he standing right in front of me, these I asked myself as I was dying.

A slap on my face help me to resurface into the physical world. The nurses were lying in a pool of blood at the head of my bed and Petra seemed to be the one who had slapped me on the face.
" Rebecca, run as fast as you can from this hospital for help, don't stop till you find help" she said while clutching her wounded arm. "Listen to me, the person who did this work, while pointing to the nurses on the ground. Is after you so don't look back but run, I will try to buy you enough time. Now go".

I had never ran so fast and terrified in my life before but I needed to get help to save Petra, if she does it would all be my fault.

The world begun to spin faster and I fell slumping to the ground.

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