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I woke up to find myself lying in a strange bed and in a strange place, my first thoughts were of Petra. I tried to get up but I felt so weak.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you",a voice in the shadows said.

A woman in her mid forties emerged out, I couldn't tell how long she had been in the dark
staring at me but I think it was quite long because dark circles under her eyes were visible.

"I know you're probably thinking who I am. My name is Rita and I'm a seer, I found you on the ground unconscious but you kept saying something If I quite remember the words "I have to find help for Petra" over and over again .if it wouldn't be a problem could you explain to me about the predicament you are in and who is Petra".she said

"I'm Jasmine, I don't quite remember what happened to me but all I do remember is that last night my parents died in an accident I was in.I was in the hospital recovering from my wounds obtained from the accident when I remembered seeing the nurses treating me, in a pool of blood and Petra telling me to run and get help that someone was trying to kill me. Petra is my best friend, these is what I think happened" I said while weeping.

"I see, you're really in deep shit but I can help you and the person who's looking for you is a demon. I know that because I had been expecting your arrival for such a long time",Rita added while changing the bandages
to my wounds. I know all this because you are a "dopple ganger" ,in your case you're sort of a
curse to the demon after you, he's name is Khalir.He is the ruler of the sixth generation of demons in the Far East.

A long time ago in ancient Greece ,a beautiful maiden had been the envy of most of the women in the town and out of jealousy most of the women who were witches had placed a spell on her making her ugly and hideous to even the most
ugliest of all living creatures. She had lived with that curse for a couple of years till she met Khalir.Their meeting was an accident and she had discovered that he was a demon who could change even the most ugliest of all creatures into a beautiful sight. He told her that he could restore her beauty and even make her much more beautiful than she was before but she had to promise that she would love only him to the ends of the world. She hurriedly agreed but little did she know that making a deal with a demon was a drastic one. That day it was said that a beautiful woman far more beautiful than the goddess of love ,sex and passion, Aphrodite had been born. All was good with the maiden and khalir till one day she met a handsome man who was a wizard and he proposed to her and she agreed, he also said that he could break the chains bonding her with the demon. Khalir had no idea what she was planning behind his back, he had given her anything she ever desired but they say love is greater than wealth. The wizard had managed to not only break the chains but also killed khalir, anyone with correct knowledge about demons should know that they can't be killed but rather banished into hell. Khalir sworn that he would hunt them down till he's satisfied. The wizard then created Dopple gangers of themselves to continue their love even in their death. The names of the maiden and the wizard were Aretha and Demetrius. The man in your dreams is a dopple ganger of Demetrius and you are a dopple ganger of Aretha. My advice is for you to search for him, for they say true love is known when one sees it. When the time is right I will help you search for him".

"All this talk about dopple ganger and Greek stories, I'm sorry but I'm not falling for those lies. Now if you will excuse me I'm on my way to get help for Petra ........."

"I know it's gonna be hard to believe me but as we're speaking now, Khalir already knows your location so it would be better if you remain low for a while "she interrupted her.

A loud crash was heard from outside and the house began to shake, making Rita tremble in fear.
"He's here, Jasmine take this card ,it is the address of your grandmother try and remain there for a while. She will tell you the rest, now
take my cars keys and go ".she said as she gave me her car keys and an address card while still trembling.

I rushed out and drove the car away, glancing back I screamed, Rita's house was covered in flames but there was no sign of him. Rita said he could take on any form pleasing to him and that I need to be careful.

The address was leading me to the outskirts of the city. I was able to reach there safely with exception of me changing the tyres of the car countless times,the car was a Porsche though rather the oldest version, i could think of. I had reached the address by night fall.

The house was located in the middle of nowhere ,in specification it is situated in the woods. I wonder why my grandmother who I haven't smelt or seen hide of would live in the woods. It is a small cabin completely made of wood with a barn attached to it, a small motorcycle was leaning on one wall if the barn.

I knocked on the door and an old lady, probably in her eighties opened it. She was dressed in an odd manner of old fashioned clothes.

"Good evening, I was sent here by Rita who presumes you to be my grandmother. I am Jasmine Maxwell......"

"Of course I know who you are, granddaughter. It's been quite a long time since I saw you ,come in my dear "she interjected while directing me into the house .
Inside was glamorous compared to the outside.
I noticed pictures of my dad in his teen's hanged in the living room and also a picture of me when I was a baby.

"What brings you here my granddaughter, I hope everything is alright back home. How is my son and your mother faring".

The thought had never occurred to me that she might not have heard of her son and my mom passing away.

"Grandmother, my parents just recently passed away in the hospital from the cause of an accident , and a demon with the name Khalir is searching for me to kill".

She introduced herself to me as Naana and she informed me of how to survive but there was something else she said, about me being betrothed to the third prince of Manzisha kingdom which was one of the largest kingdom in the country.

"The prince's name is Michael and you have to leave for his kingdom at the crack of dawn tomorrow ,because there could be the only place to protect you from Khalir .
And also don't forget to give this to his Majesty, it contains confidential information concerning your betrothed marriage to his son ".she concluded while giving me a scroll with a red seal on it.

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