Chapter 7 - High School Fantasy

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Hunter's gorgeous face came into view as soon as we stepped into the house. I smiled at him and he ran towards me with a grin.

'I'm so glad you came, Grey,' he hugged me.

'Allie forced me,' I rolled my eyes, 'But, I'm glad I came.'

He swung his arm around my shoulder, ' Let's get you drunk, baby girl,' he pulled me towards the bar area.

'Wait, where's Allie?' I looked around.

'Allison is having fun by the poolside. Mal, today you're with me, let loose and just have fun,' he cupped my face. He seemed rather affectionate towards me.

Regardless, I gave in, I really needed to have some fun, hence, I smiled, 'Well, where are the shots?'

Hunter chuckled, 'That's my girl,' he cheered, then grabbed a bottle of tequila and poured 4 shots.

Sometime later, the world began to get hazy around me, I was tipsy.

'Do you want to play some beer pong, Grey?' Hunter asked whilst gulping down his beer.

'Hell yes, baby,' I cheered and we both ran up to the table. We chose opposite teams and versed each other. I aimed the first ball but missed, yet his ball fell into my cup which I had to drink. We continued playing for a while, I scored in a few of his cups and he did the same.

We were both pretty smashed and I was actually having fun. I saw Allison deepthroating a sexy bad boy by the pool.

Hunter grabbed my hand and pressed me against the kitchen counter, 'Grey, I want to kiss you so fucking bad right now,' he murmured as his fingers trailed my cheek down to my chin, his thumb grazed my bottom lip as his gaze flickered from my eyes to my lips.

My breathing turned heavy and my mouth dried. I just stared at him unable to form words, my tongue involuntarily darted out to moisten my lips, his gaze followed my movement. The next thing I know, Hunter freaking Carson's lips crashed against mine.

Hunter crouched and lifted my legs wrapping them around his waist. My hands flew to the back of his neck, one hand entangled into his soft, fluffy hair, he groaned as I lightly tugged at his locks.

We stared at each other as he walked up the stairs and into his bedroom.

As soon as we entered the room, Hunter lowered me down, grabbed my arm, and pulled me closer. He cupped my face and looked into my eyes, I looked down to his lips indicating that I needed him as much as he needed me. He nodded and then his lips fell upon mine.

My hand escaped his grasp and found its way into his soft, luscious curly hair. One hand rested on his neck whilst the other settled in his curls, my fingers lightly tugged at his hair, involuntarily causing Hunter to groan into the kiss.

Our lips moulded into each other, they fitted perfectly together, we both fought for dominance but Hunter won, he took complete control of the kiss and my body.

The loss of control allowed me to feel things I haven't felt in ages, an unfamiliar tingle coursing through my body. A heated sensation whirling in the most intimate parts of me. We broke the kiss for a split second and Hunter rested his forehead on mine.

We looked into each other's eyes waiting for our erratic breathing to even. We stayed in the same position until he pushed me against the wall. He placed a hand on the wall beside my head and the other reached for my chin.

'Grey, you're so fucking beautiful. You captured my eyes in school, I wondered how your plump lips would taste,' his thumb ran over my lips, 'Now I know. I have always wanted to touch you, to make love to you,' he finished off as his hand left my face. His fingers gently trailed down my chest, past my stomach, and rested at the bottom of my dress.

'Do you want me, Grey?' he asked as his fingers moved in circles at the hem of my dress.

I nodded unable to form words, I wanted him so badly.

'Use your words, baby? Tell me you want me. Tell me you want my cock deep inside your tight pussy. Tell me how much you want me to taste your juice. Tell me how you want to be fucked. Do you want me to fuck you slowly, or hard and rough?' he pressed his body against mine, allowing me to feel how badly he wanted me, 'Tell me, Grey and I will do it right now.'

His hips began moving against my body in circular motions making me crave him even more, I sighed and smashed my lips against his. He responded immediately but pulled away causing me to frown.

He smirked, 'I am still waiting for your answer.'

'Haven't I shown you how fucking bad I want you, Hunter?'

He pecked my lips, then lifted my dress from the bottom and touched my soaked panties, his fingers pushed a little against my heated core causing me to gasp, 'Trust me, Grey, I know. I just want you to say it.'

I took a deep breath and grabbed his face, 'Hunter freaking Carson, I want you so bad, I have always wanted you,' I bit my lip, 'Fuck me already or I will leave.'

Hunter groaned and without a second thought he lifted my dress and took it off leaving me in my undergarments.

'I am going to fuck you so hard, Grey, your legs will be shaking, but I won't stop,' he whispered and smashed his lips against mine. He grabbed my thighs and lifted me up and began to walk over to the bed.

He placed me on the bed and took his shirt and jeans off. All this while I admired his sculpted body, his perfectly toned abs and muscles flexing on such glossy tanned skin.

He got on top of me and kissed me. His lips left mine and he pinned my hands beside my head. He began leaving hot trails of open mouth kisses along my jaw, down my neck, then across my breast. This experience allowed my restrained moans to release freely, and I stopped caring if others heard.

Hunter kissed down my stomach whilst making eye contact with me, he reached the top of my panties and stopped asking for permission.

I instantly nodded and he pulled down my panties. Once taking them off he spread my legs and buried his face deep, a loud gasp escaped my mouth as I realised this was happening. Hunter freaking Carson's face is between my legs!

His tongue moved ever so gently against my part making me squirm. I grabbed his hair as his movements began to increase. My moans were no longer under my control, I was sure that people outside heard. Hunter continued his magic using his tongue and fingers.

'Hunter, I'm going to cum,' I moaned out as I felt my eyes roll at the back of my head. I felt my muscles clenching and my toes curling. My heels began digging into the bed and my hands gripped the pillow.

This euphoric moment would go down in history.

All of a sudden, he pulled his fingers out and looked up, 'Not yet,' he lifted his head up and removed his boxers, 'I want to be deep inside you when you cum, baby.'

I may have had an internal orgasm just by hearing that.

He positioned himself and I closed my eyes waiting for him to fill me up.

Suddenly, the door slammed open followed by a scream. Hunter instantly grabbed the blanket and covered our bodies and fell on top of me.

'Who the fuck is cock-blocking me?' He groaned and we both looked up towards the door and our eyes widened in shock.

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