Chapter 14 - Freak in the Sheets

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A/N: No encouragement for aggressive behaviour or forcefulness. Please carry out such acts with consent, this is only entertainment.

He hoisted my body up and wrapped my legs around his waist still holding my arms above my head. Then his lips fell against mine with pure aggression. He was proving a point and I was helping him. I fell into the trap he laid.

'Seth, this isn't a good idea,' I muttered taking deep breaths.

'Stop talking and let daddy fuck you like the little whore you are,' he whispered seductively. I normally hate such words, but it was arousing coming from his mouth. He somehow removed his clothing - I don't even know how, but we were both naked and I felt his hard, throbbing cock against my drenched core.

He rammed himself into me without a warning, I screamed as the pain rushed through me and dug my fingernails into his shoulders. His pace increased and increased, he was angry and this was angry sex.

He was thrusting into me with pure hunger and rage. His grunts and my screams echoed through the walls. Fortunately, Allison wasn't home so we could be as loud as possible.

'You're mine, do you fucking understand?' He whispered in my ear as he bit down on my neck and deepened his thrusts. I ignored him to which he growled, 'I said, do you understand?'

I continued to ignore him which fuelled him further, 'Fine, have it your way. I'll just continue showing you until you understand,' he kissed me then stopped and looked at me for a split second before he walked up to the bed and dropped me on it.

The impact caused my breast to jiggle which I quickly covered. He got on top only to flip me around. His hand grabbed a fistful of my hair and pushed my head into the bed with my arse sticking out.

He began thrusting into me from behind using pure animalistic aggression. He used his other hand to grab my throat and he leaned in and whispered, 'Understand yet?'

I nodded and writhed beneath him as my moans turned into whimpers.

'Words, princess?' He smirked and slapped my arse making his thrusts deeper and longer.

'I understand, Seth,' I squeaked out, 'Fuck.'

'I can't hear you,' he pulled my hair and slanted my face to get a better view, 'Tell me again, baby.'

'Fuck, Seth,' I moaned out as he pounded into me, a look of satisfaction rested on his face, 'I understand,' I spoke louder which was overpowered by a louder moan.

His deep, raspy, demonic voice echoed in my ears, 'You open your legs,' he pulled out, 'Only for me,' he slammed himself in.

'You beg,' he pulled out, 'Only for me,' he roughly slammed again causing me to arch my back further. My cries of ecstasy filled the air as I gripped the bed sheets.

'You cum,' he pulled out once again, 'Only for me,' he slammed in and dug his claws into my hips.

'You scream,' he pulled out again, 'Only my name,' he pushed himself fully inside me and waited.

His pants getting heavier and heavier, 'Am I clear?' He leaned into my ear, 'You're my little slut,' he pulled out and slammed in again balls deep, 'My little bitch,' he groaned and pulled my hair.

All I could do was moan and squeeze my eyes shut due to the overwhelming aggression.

'Tell me you're mine and that boy doesn't mean anything to you,' he continued kissing me and slapped my arse.

I paused for a second but gave in, 'I'm yours and he doesn't mean anything,' my eyes rolled back in my head and my toes curled. My head dug into the bed and my hands fisted the sheet. He kissed me as we both released. 

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