Paint the sun

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Through supper you feel extremely guilty about confessing your feelings to newt without telling Thomas. So, half way through supper you ask Thomas to speak privately. Once you guys get to homestead you say "Thomas I need to tell you something. I can't go on like this, pretending I'm in love. At first I really thought I was, but that was just because every memory I had of love had been wiped away like pen on a whiteboard." You say looking up at him with tears in your eyes. "Who is he" he says to you calmly and you don't reply. He leaves you and goes back to the table. "Newt! A word?" He says and they both leave the dining area. " so I'm guessing aiyanna told you?" Newt said, his expression blank although deep down he was scared. "She didn't have to. I see the way you look at her. As if she put the stars in the sky and painted the sun. That's when I knew she was never really mine" Thomas says looking newt dead in the eye. "I just have ONE simple request, you take care of her newt, your her first found love" he says putting his hand on newts shoulder and lowering his head to look him in the eyes. "Always" newt reply's and they both hug it out. When they get back to the dining table Alby stood up and said "we expected only one of you to be returning" while the other laughed in agreement. " no just a brother to brother conversation Thomas says as he winks at newt. Thomas walks over to you and grabs his tray, we walks over to newt and says "go get your girl" and newts face lit up. For the rest of supper you sat next to newt laughing and joking with the rest of the glade. Even Gally cracked a few smiles. This place was starting to become home. After supper you and newt go and take a walk to the clearing in deadheads. It was full of flowers of many different colours and scents. She ran far into the the flower field thinking about summer while he was watching her and thinking about winter. They both lay there, silent. "Look up" you say and he looks up into the sky. "Thats where I wanna be" you turn to face each-other and with his soft hand he gently moves your blonde hair from your face, places his hand on your rosey cheeks and you both exchange a kiss. Her mind went blank and all she could think about was how soft his lips were, the moment she'd been dreaming of finally arriving was all to much. She broke into a slight sweat but nothing noticeable. Her heart was racing as a wave of warmth washed over her the moment their lips connected. When they were finally free of the grasp of each others lips, he looked into her hazel eyes and in that moment nothing else in the glade, nothing else in the world mattered.

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