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Brianna's POV

It's the next day and I woke up with a small headache. Last night I fell asleep while crying due to the fact that daddy and my uncles really only pay attention to their music right now, and not much attention to me. It just gets boring by myself, and annoying that it feels like I'm nothing to them just because of an album.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom, as well as brush through my hair so it's not super messy. I then go downstairs and see daddy and uncle Jo in the kitchen, and the others in the living room. I dicided to go in the living room not wanting to be by daddy right now.

"Morning bubs, are you feeling better?" Zachy asked me. I didn't answer still not really wanting to talk. Instead I just climb up on the couch and lay down with my head on his lap. I feel him place his hand on my back as he starts to lightly rub it up and down calming me down more then I already was.

I listen as him, Uncle Corbyn, and Uncle Jack continue talking about... you guessed it, the album they're working on.

"Sometime this week we need to meet with Randy and David to discuss a good time to drop it, and we probably need to add a few tweaks here and there on some of the songs." Uncle Corbyn said.

"Yeah for sure." Jacky agreed.

"Hey guys breakfast is done." I heard daddy say interrupting the conversation. They all got up and I saw Uncle Corbyn and Jacky go to the kitchen. I then feel a pair of arms wrap around me and pick me up. I look around to see its Zachy. He sets me on his waist and I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his shoulder.

He then walks out to the kitchen and sets me on a chair as he sits down right next to me.

"Morning Bri, how are you feeling?" Daddy asked me. I just shrugged my shoulders. He set down a plate with a cut up waffle on it in front of me. I grabbed the fork and slowly started eating it.

I still wasn't very fond of being downstairs by them after yesterday but I was hungry, and I wasn't really talking to them which kind of made up for it. We all finished at about the same time. They all got up from the table to put their dishes away. Daddy grabbed mine and I thanked him just above a whisper.

I got up from my seat just as Zachy was coming around the corner. I stopped him and put my arms up making grabby hands indicating that I wanted him to pick me up. He let out a small laugh as he bent over and picked me up.

He walked over to the living room and sat down with me still in his arms. Everybody soon joined and they were making small talk about random stuff but mainly the album.

After about fifteen minutes they started getting up from the couch.

"Hey Bri, we need to go work on the album okay? So we'll be down in the studio." Daddy told me. I just nodded getting up from the couch. I could feel the tears in my eyes as I walked past everyone and up to my room.

Its just not fair. They can't even take a day off to play with me. Lately it's always their music first.

Zach's POV

I get it now. I know why Bri is acting all weird. Jesus, how could we do that to a four year old!? I saw the tears in her eyes as she walked upstairs, and then it just clicked.

"Zach! Are you coming?" Jonah asked me getting me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see him by the basement door. I didn't see the others so I just assumed their already in the studio.

"Uh... actually, I'll finish my parts later. You guys go on without me." I tell him. He gives me a funny look but just shrugs and walks downstairs.

I make my way upstairs to Brianna's room. I lightly knock on the door and as expected, no answer.

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