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Zach's POV

The next morning I woke up with a groan. Immediately I felt pain in my head and stomach. Great, now I'm sick.

I grabbed my phone to check the time, my screen lit up which made me squint, but soon after I got used to it. Seven in the morning, isn't that awesome. I slowly got down from my bunk and walked to the front, hoping Jonah would be up by now.

Luckily, when I got there he looked up and saw me. I also saw Brianna laying on the couch again, she must still be sick.

"I don't feel good Jo." I mumbled to him as I lightly rubbed my forehead.

"Are you sick to?" He asked me getting up from where he was sitting and coming closer to me. I gently nodded my head, as he put his hand on my forehead.

I was quick to move my head back. His hand was really cold.

"You're hand is cold." I told him.

"Yeah? Well you're super warm. Go lay down, I'll clean off the thermometer from Bri so I can take your temperature." He told me before walking away.

I slowly made my way to the opposite couch as Brianna and layed down on it. This head and stomachach are no joke. Soon Jonah came back with the thermometer and my blanket from my bunk. He layed the blanket over me, which I instantly cuddled into.

"Okay, open up Zach." He told me. I opened my mouth so he could put the thermometer in. It wasn't long before it beeped and he took it out.

Jonah's POV

I pulled the thermometer out of Zachs mouth once it beeped. 102.4° F. That's just great.

"Alright Zach, stay awake for a few more minutes so you can take some medicine, after that you can go back to sleep." I told him. I grabbed two pills for him to take along with a bottle of water before going back over to him.

"Alright buddy, take these." I told him, handing him the pills. He quickly took them just wanting to go back asleep.

"Okay, get some some rest, we'll see if you feel better later." I told him. That's all it took for him to be out like a light.

I sighed as I sat back down, now both Brianna and Zach are sick. Brianna had a fever of 101.8° F, which isn't as bad as Zachs, but looking back at yesterday, it will probably get worse as the day goes on.

Brianna had come up front not even an hour before Zach. She was complaining about still being sick, so I gave her some medicine and took her temperature before letting her fall asleep.

Another thing is when Zach is sick, it usually hits him pretty hard. It's only been twice to where we had to take him to the hospital, but other then that, it hasn't ever been dangerously high. Zach also tends to act a little more babyish, its not a crazy amount, but he'll let us watch over him more then he usually likes us to.

I was scrolling through Instagram when Daniel walked in. He gave me a confused look as to why Brianna and Zach are both asleep out here.

"Brianna is still sick, she had a temperature of 101.8 degrees. And Zach now also has one of 102.4 degrees." I filled him in. He nodded in understandment.

"Good thing today is just driving to the next city." Daniel said while sitting down. I nodded in agreement.

We small talked not wanting to be to loud to wake up any of the others. About an hour later both Corbyn and Jack walked up front, both having the same expression as Daniel.

"Bri is sick again at 101.8 degrees, and Zach is now also sick, at 102.4 degrees." I quickly filled them in. They both nodded before grabbing a snack from the mini kitchen and coming back to sit down.

We all talked quietly so both Zach and Bri could rest as much as possible. Daniel was right, we are lucky that today was just a driving day, and we didn't have a show tonight. We just have to hope that Zach is feeling better for tomorrow's show.

About an hour later Brianna woke up with a stretch.

"Hey Bri, how are you feeling?" Daniel asked her. She shrugged.

"My head hurts." She mumbled while rubbing her eyes. I got up to get the clean thermometer so we could check her temperature.

"101.8 degrees. So still the same." I said. The others nodded.

"How about you have a small snack? That might make you feel a little better." Daniel asked her. She gently nodded her head, and sat up just a little more on the couch as Daniel went to get her a snack.

While they were doing that, I went back over to Zach and gently placed my hand on his forehead. I quickly pulled it away and looked at the boys.

"He feels super warm." I told them a little concerned. I quickly cleaned off the thermometer, and gently shook Zach awake.

"Zach, I need to check your temperature really quick." I told him. He simply opened his mouth, not opening his eyes or anything.

Once it beeped, I took it out and looked at it. 103.8 degrees. That is definetly not good. I showed the others as I went to to get a cool washcloth to put over his forehead to hopefully bring his temperature back down a little bit.

As soon as I set the washcloth down on Zachs forehead, he backed away and tried to take it off.

"Zach you need to keep it on." I told him holding it on his head.

"Its too cold Jo." He told me, as he still tried to take it off.

"It'll be okay bud, you'll get used to it soon, but we need to get your fever down." I reasurred him. I heard him sigh, but he slightly nodded his head anyway. I gave him a smile of sympathy as he opened his eyes for a little bit, before closing them again to try and fall back asleep.

"Do you think he'll feel better tomorrow for the show?" Corbyn asked me after Zach had fallen asleep.

"I don't know. When Zach gets sick, he usually gets sick. Maybe if we're lucky he'll be feeling better, we'll just have to wait and see." I responded. Honestly, I don't think he'll be better at all, but deep down, I'm hoping he will be.

Throughout the day, it was just taking care of Zach and Bri. Both of their fevers went up, Zachs got to 104.6° F, and Brianna's got to 102.7° F.

Zach's really worried us, but we fortunately got it back down.

Unfortunately, I'm now currently in the bathroom with Zach comforting him as he's throwing up. I knew he would throw up at one point today, it was just the question of when?

"Shh, Zach it's okay. Let it out, it'll make you feel better." I told him. He groaned as he slowly sat up and leaned his back against the unused glass shower.

"Are you done, or do you think you'll throw up again?" I asked him.

"I think I'm done." He said just above a whisper.

"Okay, lets get you back to the couch to lay down. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be feeling better." I said to him as I helped him get off the floor. We slowly walked back to the couch, and before Zach fell back asleep I gave him some more medicine.

Now we'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see how both Zach and Bri feel.


1291 words.

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