Love Victor: The Revelation

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(The Story takes place mere seconds after the last episode ended)

Victor stares at his parents searching for something, anything. He could feel his phone vibrate, must me Simon or Benji. 

His mother opens her mouth to speak and then shuts, finding nothing to say, so his father takes the stand.

"I didn't realize we failed to raise you, Victor. Incredible, a fag." His father lets out.

Victor's jaw almost falls off his hinges. He begins to turn away when his mom finally builds up enough courage to muster a sentence.

"Victor, what would Jesus say? I think there are camps to help with-"

Victor cuts her off, completely surprised to this outrageous response to his sexuality. 

"Wow, thanks guys, you all are complete jerks, I can't believe I'm living with a bunch of homophobes".

"Ok that was a little harsh" Victor's mom let's out.

"You think?" Victor retorts. Suddenly pivoting, Victor makes a beeline for his room when his sister Pilar stops him in his tracks. 

"Benji? That's B?" Pilar outbursts. Victor pushes her out of the way as his little brother comes out of his room.

"I heard yelling what's this about?". Victor's parents look at each other and their children and then says.

"Nothing sweetheart, go back to bed". Pilar rolls her eyes in an almost fury, knowing full well she'll be crying to Billie Eilliesh very shortly. 

"Great, My parents are splitting up, My brother's gay and no one asked me to go to the dance!" It was Pilar's turn to storm off to her room. A feeling of angst was left in the remaining people's mouth as a feeling of almost abandonment and failure for their children washed over them. 

"Why did it have to be tonight? Why does this always happen to our family". Victor's mother cries out. She makes her way to the piano and begins to play their collective favorite song. Victor's dad begins to smile, and sit next to his soon to be ex-wife. 

"You know, I'm gonna miss you"

"Really? I know we're always fighting, it might be better for the kids, but we'll have more time to figure things out". Interestingly enough, they kissed and stayed at the piano.

"what are we gonna tell victor, your a terrible father you know."

"It probably was rather harsh of me, I'll talk to him in the morning"

Meanwhile in Victor's room. Victor is uncontrollably sobbing and texting his sort of boyfriend Benji. Victor whips his eyes and grabs a fistful of rainbow goldfish.

Everyone hates me, thinks Victor. Mia will crucify me, my parents are being the worst in the world and and, thank god Benji came back to me. Victor continues to sob uncontrollably as he looks over at his belt. Would anybody miss him? He thought, he strips himself down to his underwear and then grabs the belt previously mentioned. He looks up and sees the fan on top of his room. No, nobody would miss me, thought Victor again. He looks at himself again, he wouldn't want his body to be found in his underwear. He puts on some jeans and a Space Invaders t shirt and prepares to do the unthinkable. As Victor is tying the belt around his neck he is startled by a knock at his door, he quickly tosses the belt underneath his bed and opens the door. It was his mother, 

"Hi, sweetie. How you holding up?" She looked legitimately concerned and she had a look in her eyes that only justified this theory. 

"Not too bad mom". I am a terrible liar, thought Victor. 

"Well, despite it being almost 9, you have a friend here to see you!"


"No, actually it's a boy named, Levi. Should I let him in?" Victor stood there dumbfounded for a second, he wasn't actually sure if he wanted to see someone else in the state he was in.

"Honey, have you been crying?" Victor quickly wipes off his eyes and puts on some deodorant, it's been a long day after all and he thought he could use a quick refresher before he saw his new friend Levi he just met that day. "Well, I just wanted to say how proud I am of you for being so brave back there, but have you?"

"No mom" Victor says as he reaches for the deodorant. "Just let me use the bathroom and then let me talk to Levi".  Victor excused himself and went to the bathroom. He came out,( again, pardon the pun), took a deep breath and made his way over to the door. Taking another deep breath he opens the door and with a smile greets his new guest. 

"Hey Levi, it's been a hot minute!" Victor motions for him to come in. Levi does and hands him a present. It's just a bottle of coke, but Victor could tell that he really meant something by it, it was one of those ones with people's names on it, and it had Victor's name right under, "Share a coke with-". Victor smiles and tapped his arm with a grin.

"Thanks man, I'll dive into this shortly, let's head to my room". Victor and Levi make their way to Victor's room, Victor shuts the door so his parent's don't eavesdrop on their conversation. Victor sets the bottle on his dresser and sits next to Levi on his bed, a Texas flag hanging over them, Levi begins the conversation with a bit of an awkward voice crack, he pulls out his phone to show him pictures of his recent trip to the nickelodeon studios tour he went on for vacation recently with his family.

"Aw, man. That's so awesome." Victor gets out. "Spongebob was like my jam when I was a kid".

"Can I confess something? Spongebob still is my jam." Victor and Levi let out a hearty and real laugh together, as the room gets silent, Victor realizes what he must do. 

"Hey, Levi. Can I be real with you?"

"Yeah anything Victor?" Victor only met Levi that day, bumping into him in biology class when he dropped his notebook, but Levi just gave off that personality that you could tell him almost anything and he would still be your best bud.

"I-" He almost couldn't admit it, either to Levi or himself, he was a wreck and desperately needed someone to share his feelings with, it was only healthy, humans are social animals and letting out his frustrations and feelings could only benefit him.

"I, tried to hang myself Levi". Victor stares into Levi's beautiful Hazel eyes as Levi begins processing this earth shattering, ground breaking information that he just learned about his new  latino friend. Levi only stares for another second and then immediately hugs Victor. The amount of love and support in that one room was unbelievable and no one could stop the undying force that was Levi's love and support. 

"Don't worry Victor, I've had my fair share of bad moments." Victor's eyes bulged as he was surprised, this was all news to him. Being that this was day 1 of their friendship it made since, but could only feel empathy for his newfound friend. "Promise me I'll see you at school tomorrow Victor."

"I promise". Victor and Levi's eyes lock. They begin to gravitate towards each other slowly but surely. They begin to madly make out, it was like clockwork in a sort of way, it was magnificent and nothing like either of them has experienced before. This continued for minutes until Levi realized he probably needed to get home. As Levi said his goodbye's and left Victor's apartment, Victor remembered he didn't answer that notification from earlier. He frantically whips out his iPhone 12 S and sees a text from Simon that says.

"I support you no matter what"

 Victor's head hits the pillow and almost immediately falls asleep. Long dreams await him, of cute boys and sugar plums dancing in his head...

Love, Victor The Wattpad Adaption: Season 2Where stories live. Discover now