It was 3 o'clock in the morning and I was still sitting at my desk running scenarios through my head. Molly still wasn't back and I was worried. When should I start looking for her? Tomorrow? No. She will be dead by then. I can't-
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I sprinted the ten feet across the parlor and whipped open the door. Molly, my Molly, stood in the door way. I froze.
"Sherlock?" She waved her hand in front of my face. "Please say something."
"Molly? Where were you? Are you hurt?" I pulled her through the doorway and shut the door.
"I was.... Out for a walk. I got lost, I'm fine." She plopped down in John's chair, obviously exhausted.
"I don't believe you."
"And I don't believe you ate, end of discussion."
Had she been any other person, I would have pushed further. Where did she get the mobile? Why didn't she call me? Why did she walk that far without me if she wasn't that comfortable? But it was my Molly, I wasn't going to question her.
"Can we go to bed?" I asked.
Molly stood up and pulled my head down for an intimate hug.
"Of course, I'm exhausted."
We relocated to the bedroom and stripped. When that was done, we crawled into bed and snuggled into the warmth if each other. We fit together like puzzle pieces, like one.

When worlds collide (A Sherlolly Fanfiction)
FanfictionMolly doesn't love Tom, she loves Sherlock, so what happens when Tom proposes and she says yes, but realizes it was a mistake? Will Sherlock come to the rescue?