Authors Note: The last chapter consisted of Molly telling Tom that she wanted to break up. Tom did not like this so he decided to "change her mind" as in forcing her to have sex with him. Sherlock showed up just in time and Tom escaped.That's the whole chapter. Here's some fluff to make up for breaking your tiny hearts. *Insert Moffat laugh!*Love you all!
When we got to Sherlock's flat, I sat down hard on the sofa and sighed.
"Did you want to go sleep in John's room?" Sherlock asked.
" I won't be able to sleep, I have too much to process right now."
"Okay, would you like some tea?"
I shook head, "No thank you."
Sherlock sat on the couch next to me and put his arms around me, I put my head on his shoulder.
"It will be okay, I will protect you."
"Thank you."
"Come here," he said, standing up and holding his arms out. I ran into them and sobbed into his chest. He ran his hands through my hair and hummed softly.
"You need sleep." he said.
"No. I'm scared, Sherlock." Sherlock grabbed my hand and led me to his room.
"It's okay, Molly. I'll stay with you." Sherlock led me to his bed. He sat on the edge of the bed. I lay down and he stroked my hair.
"I'll stay with you."
" The entire time?" I asked.
"Yes, Molly, until you wake up."
I sighed and closed my eyes. As I fell asleep, Sherlock lay down next to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"I love you, Molly Hooper," he said, I don't think he knew I was still awake.

When worlds collide (A Sherlolly Fanfiction)
FanfictionMolly doesn't love Tom, she loves Sherlock, so what happens when Tom proposes and she says yes, but realizes it was a mistake? Will Sherlock come to the rescue?