When I arrived, Sherlock was sitting in his chair looking sullen. I pitied him. I sat Hamish down on my chair and walked into the kitchen to get the first aid kit from under the sink. As I walked back, I got a good look at his face. He had been crying recently, but I knew he would never tell me. I sat down on the floor in front of him and surveyed him. He looked terrible, but he held his hand out knowing that I was going to clean it whether he liked it or not. His hand was beaten up and bloody, from punching the mirror, I presume. He didn't want to talk yet, so I cleaned his hand in silence. In about 20 minutes, his hand was clean and I needed to put the bandage on it and he would be fine. As I was finishing with the bandage, Hamish woke up and started to cry. I turned to grab him, but felt Sherlock's hand on my shoulder.
"I got it," he said in barely a whisper. He picked Hamish up and within seconds, he was done crying. I looked at him wide eyed. He smiled a little at Hamish as he put him down on the chair, fast asleep. I stood up and looked at him.
"Since when are you good with kids?" I asked.
"I wanted to be ready in case Molly ever needed me. So I went to work at a child care center for a few months in between cases."
"Wow, you really wanted to be with Molly, didn't you?"
"Not at first," He replied, "at first I just wanted to be a good friend to her, but that changed when I saw how Tom treated her, I have known for a long time, I didn't want to break her heart, I wanted her to break up with him herself.
As long as I've known Sherlock, I'd never seen so much dedication and emotion for one person. Sherlock is my best friend and this is why. I've always had a lot of respect for him, but now, I have even more respect for him now. Sherlock has changed and all because of love.

When worlds collide (A Sherlolly Fanfiction)
FanfictionMolly doesn't love Tom, she loves Sherlock, so what happens when Tom proposes and she says yes, but realizes it was a mistake? Will Sherlock come to the rescue?