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sorry i've been busy working my ass off, just doing 12 hour shift a day nothing crazy🥵


"Yuh.." This morning I was feeling it and paying the price. My hangover was in full swing and all I wanted was a little relief.

I was woken up by Ariana's voice and my eyes peeled open to reveal the blistering daylight. As soon as I tried to lift my head from the pillow, it felt like my brain was being squeezed internally and a combination of dizziness and nausea hit me like a ton of bricks.

I didn't wanna drink again.


I carefully and slowly sat up leaning my body against the headboard. I watched my girlfriend looking out the window with her back facing me and hand holding her phone to her ear, "Okay, I understand...... Bye."

I shut my eyes closed feeling a throbbing pain occurring in my head, "Fuck, my head!" I hissed making the woman to turn around.

"Deserve." I opened up my eyes to see her smirking.

With my fingers, I cleared out some of my crusty eye boogers, then rubbed my itchy, dry eyes before asking, "What?" I quickly took my hands off to look at her.

"You deserve it." The smirk on her face was then replaced with a scowl, she put her hand on her hip while the other tossed her phone onto the bed in front of me. "You threw up in my car last night, Alfredo had to pull over somewhere and insisted to clean your fucking mess." She said with her index finger's long acrylic nail pointing at me.

I knew bidet existed but how could she wipe her ass with those nails?

"I suggest you do some extra cleaning in my car today." What the fuck?

I blinked in disbelief, "Oh come on." I whined having an awful headache but still being forced to clean. I was expecting to be treated better. "I'm already baving an ugly hang over here, babe. I thought a massage would be great but you're here forcing me to clean?" My statement turned more into a question at the end, unsure if she was being serious.

She couldn't be serious right?

I paused for a second to wait for her to say something and see a change of reaction. "Come on, now." I slumped my body to the headboard with a scoff because I was unhappy when her face didn't move a muscle but kept a straight face.

"That didn't stop you last night!" She retorted frowning and bending her upper body a little towards my direction with both of her hands on the hips. She was so extra.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You tried getting into my pants by rubbing your dick on my ass the whole night after passing out on the floor, Y/N." She said as she picked up a piece of cloth off the ground and threw at my face which I didn't know had been laying around.

I chuckled tossing my top from last night back on the floor next to me, "I'm surprised you didn't let me." The action made Ariana to raise her brow in disbelief before crossing her arms over her chest. "I don't even remember anything from last night, how did I get her–Holy shit! did I drink drive last night?"

She walked over to my side of the bed to pick up the cloth, "No, I picked you up–." She turned on her heels as soon as she had the piece in her grasp, "I swear to god, I'll burn your clothes if you don't put your dirty clothes in the laundry basket, Y/N. Don't fucking test me." I chuckled silently hiding half of my face as I put the blanket up, "And I would've been mourning you by now, you couldn't even carry your own fucking weight." She went to her bathroom only to shoot the cloth into the laundry basket.

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