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                  (Third person POV)

There "he" was, this was it, "he" knew this day would come, Tommy had finally got what he wanted, and everyone on the server could watch.

This was it.

You see, the funny thing, it that they THOUGHT they had finally won.

Boy oh Boy the where wrong.

Everyone had a smug look on their face, that smirk of "victory".

Dream was now standing there, infront of almost all the people of the server where there.

Dream was told to lend all of "his" weapons and armour, and so "he" did.

Tommy was now annoying the crap out of Dream, just for fun, calling "him" names and shaming "him".

Dream tried to ignore everything, and keept a calm actitude.

Well, just until Tommy spoke again.

"Dream. Take off your mask" Tommy spoke with words that sounded like poison to Dreams ears.

A shiver went down "his" spine.

"Take it off, commom, SHOW THE SERVER WHO YOU REALLY ARE FOR ONCE!" Tommy spoke once again.

Sure enough Tommy had no idea of Dreams "little" secret, ofcourse, none of them knew.

Tommy turned around and looked at Sam and Puffy for help.

Both of them held down an already chaned Dream.

"now who's the weak one~?" Tommy whispered on Dreams ear before slowly untying "his" mask.

The mask was still covering "his" face, Dream tried to free "his" arms and get "his" mask back on.

But Sam and Puffy held on tight.

Tommy turned around with a smirk towards  the members of the server.

And without a second thought trew Dream's mask on the audiense who didn't dare to speak.

They just stared in shook at the figure infront of them.

Log dirty blond hair, that almost looked like gold in the correct lighting, forest green eyes with a hit of emerald, lips as pink as a rose, and frekles that where like constelations over her cheaks.

A girl was infront of them, her size had also shrunk a bit, around 5'4.

No longer stood there the man they all hated, now was a girl with fragile apearence who only sat there still processing everything that had happened.

His, now her secret had been exposed to almost everyone, her so called friends just stood there in shook.

Dream simply looked down, her face towards the grown, as she whispered words that none understood.

Her mask now long forgoten on the grownd started to turn into dust.

Distant tunder was begining to be heard, and then everything went silent.

"Μπαμπά!" A scream comming from the girl was silence breaking.

The roof of above them started to collaps, Sam and Puffu took cover as well as every one else.

Two beams of light shined thrue as two men apeared from them.

The first one was a man with gold-blond hair eyes as blue as the sea, dressed in white holding a trident stood infront of them.

As for the second man with brown hair as rich as the fertil dirt, below the farms, and gray eyes as scary as thunder clouds, dressed in black with sword in hand helped the girl get out of the chains.

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