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These are random facts about my version of the CHAOS TRIO in my timeline/universe.



◇ He has a really hard time sleeping, this affected his mental health and at some point had night terrors.
◇ He looks like a cat person but is a dog person.
◇ His favorite musical is Hamilton.
◇ He likes to drag Dream into watching musicals with him but she has a hard time focusing because they aren't something she is interested in.
◇ He likes to teach people he loves random facts or anything really.
◇ He doesn't like the taste of coffee.
◇ His favorite sweet is dark chocolate.
◇ Has a big soft spot for Dream, Phil and Will.
◇ He doesn't want a lover.
◇ He stims, his favorite one/the one that comforts him the most is rocking back and forward.
◇ Even tho he acts as if he wants to be alone, he is honestly scared of actually being left alone. (Dream knows that's why she let's him stay with her)
◇ Techno has trained both fluff and patches to hunt and attack. (As well as some normal tricks)
◇ He likes when people he trust play or braid his hair, these people are; Dream, Death, Phil and -S L O W L Y- Wilbur.
◇ He sometimes has hard time speaking.
◇ His temple is always open and when mortals wish his blessing on a war/harvest they leave gold or seed offerings.
◇ He loves to watch gravity falls but he won't admit it.
◇ He is known to be sarcastic and that is his way of humor.
◇ He is very polite.
◇ Once killed an old lady... Doesn't want to talk about it, and in his defense, she was a Karen.
◇ He is the master of memes.
◇ Mining helps get his mind off stuff.
◇ He prefers soft over fluffy.
◇ When someone has a panic attack or a night mare, Techno hugs them tightly to ground them and gets their mind off it by telling them stories or talking about myths/astronomy.
◇ Dream pointed out that he acts like Puppycat.
◇ He doesn't like to swim due that his natural element is earth, he feels unstable in big bodies of water.
◇ Surprisingly his comfort food aren't potatoes, it's actually cake, he likes the texture of it, bit if it's too sweet, it will just ruin it.
◇ He has a high pitch scream and likes to scare people with it.
◇ Techno gives the best hugs.
◇ He smells like fresh fallen rain with a light mixture of pumpkin and cinnamon.


♤ His favorite color is actually red.
♤ His dream pet is an orca.
♤ His favorite musical is "Dear Even Hanson".
♤ His confort food is cheese cake.
♤ Ever since he meet his mother (death) he has been named as the new grim reaper.
♤ Death gave him wings, similar to Phil's.
♤ Even tho Dream and Techno had accepted him as a part of their lives, he feels guilty and that he shouldn't be there because he isn't as close as they are with each other. (Dream and Techno care a lot for him and they see him as a brother and part of their family, and they feel glad he is there with them.)
♤ He always tries to take care of Techno and Dream because they are younger than him, even if they assured that they can't die, he is still scared of losing them.
♤ He now sees why Death isn't that fond of Tommy because he has already been sent like 30 times to see if this time he actually died, he hasn't...
♤ Even tho he is the new grim reaper, he is now inmortal, and death said he will have a permanent place by hers and Phil's side as well as the other gods.
♤ Likes when Techno rambles about stories to him, he finds them amazing.
♤ He loves the beach and Techno told Dream to actually make one inside her temple because apparently she has rooms that never have an end.
♤ He likes to cuddle and usually YEETS himself and Techno and Dream because they too, like to cuddle. (The three are just touchstarved...)
♤ He likes when Dream does his hair because she always puts small flowers in his fluffy hair.
♤ Asked death permission to have an orca and she said no, so Dream and Techno got him a black beta fish and he named it guppy.
♤ When he isn't with Dream or Techno, he is with Nikki. (She doesn't know about the gods and stuff)
♤ He switches between aesthetic's, one day he's a soft boy and the other he dresses like a homeless man. (Not trying to be offensive)
♤ He really likes detective and serial killer shows.
♤ His guilty pleasure is that he likes to watch mean girls.
♤ Sometimes gets jealous at Dream and Techno because they can actually pet and cuddle their pets and he can't because guppy is a fish.
♤ He steals sweets from Dream's snack box.
♤ His favorite flowers are tulips.
♤ He smells like a camp fire with a light sent of pine tree and vanilla.

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