Chapter 21-25

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Chapter 21  - It’s all for them (2)

Zhong Yuhuan couldn’t have come up with something like that unless Xu Yushan had told her. How old was she after all? What did she know? Before today, whenever she threw a fit, she’d just throw some bowls, pull a disappearing act. Or escalate it to causing the Zhong’s to lose some business deals…. Nothing that helped her own cause. All she did was make Zhong Chi hate her more and more… She wouldn’t have the ability to set Xu Yushan up. That was not possible.

So the only plausible explanation was Xu Yushan couldn’t keep her mouth shut and leaked the plans to Zhong Yuhuan. Every time something didn’t go Zhong Yuhuan’s way, she would go scream and shout in front of her father, that was the standard pattern of her behavior…

Xu Yunhui said with a darkened face, “Alright, stop crying now. You leaked the words and now you have to suffer the consequences. Just stay low for a while and don’t stir up any drama. Things will go better once your brother becomes part of the family. There wouldn’t be much more that girl could do. You will be set once your brother takes over the family business.”

Xu Yushan didn’t feel comforted at all.

All Xu Yunhui ever did was tell her to stay low. She had been staying low this entire time. And what did that ever get her? Nothing!

Xu Yunhui didn’t understand her, neither did Zhong Chi… her brother? Who could tell how things would go with her brother? He too would get married one day!

Xu Yushan gritted her teeth and turned away. It was the first time she didn’t just comply with what her mother had asked of her.

And by now Xu Yunhui was already thinking about what she could cook up to take to the office for Zhong Chi. Her mind was always occupied by what more she could do to butter up to Zhong Chi, she hadn’t been able to spare the time or energy to consider her daughter’s feelings.

“Alright, why don’t you take some time to calm down? Next time this happens and you upset your dad, not even I could save you,” said Xu Yunhui as she stood up.

Xu Yushan’s face was twisted.

She’d put her hopes on the Nan’s now.

That’s right! The Nan’s….

The banquet with the Nan’s was set for the 8th of next month. It was right around the corner.


School had started before the date of the banquet.

Zhong Yuhuan had to go to school, along with Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming.

Zhong Yuhuan was a sophomore in high school, the worse time of it all. Zhong Yuhuan wasn’t thrilled about having to study all over again and take the midterm and final examinations.

But she felt much better remembering that she now has two more companions.

At least she wouldn’t be the only one who had to get up early!

Lang Jinzhi gave her a call early in the morning and told her that all the paperwork for the boys to start school had been taken care of. Since they didn’t want the boys to fall behind in class, they had arranged for them to start as freshmen. It was quite normal for boys their age to be freshmen in high school, after all, many boys tend to start school at a later time.

Naturally, the tutors would continue to come. It’d be much more efficient for them to have tutors at home while getting used to everything at school.

Zhong Yuhuan had the maids packed their book bags before taking off with Li Jinyuan and Huo Chengming.

Secretary Cheng was already waiting for them outside of the house. He would be driving them to school today, and help with whatever remaining paperwork there were.

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