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Chapter 121 - I am Huo Chengming (3)

Chen Mingye came over before long.

When Zhong Yuhuan walked out of the front door of the Lang’s, Chen Mingye’s eyes lit up. He smiled and said, “Oh, you are so pretty today! Especially pretty today! This outfit looks great on you! If you stand in front of a camera, you’d look much better than many actresses!”

As soon as he finished, he received a cold stare from Lang Jinzhi.

Chen Mingye smiled and stopped. Feeling a little awkward, he changed the subject, “Come, come. Get in the car, you two! Let’s go eat. My treat….”

Lang Jinzhi said nonchalantly, “I am treating.”

Resigned, Chen Mingye nodded, “Okay, okay, you just like fighting over it. Sure! You can treat! Take me and your cousin somewhere expensive!”

Naturally, Chen Mingye didn’t care about the cost of food; he was mainly joking with Lang Jinzhi.

Zhong Yuhuan, however, could tell from the exchange that the two of them were quite close.

Along with Secretary Cheng, they all piled into the car and headed toward a private restaurant.

Compared to when she went overseas, Zhong Yuhuan had changed a lot.

Her features had completely grown out, and she had grown taller and slenderer.

To put it lightly, had Young Master Nan really professed his love for Zhong Yuhuan a few years ago, he just might get arrested. He just might end up with 3 – 10 years of prison time!

That wouldn’t be the case anymore…

No matter who professed their love to her or dated her, it would all be legal now.

Xu Yunhui might not even recognize her.

Well, one couldn’t be too careful. When they got out of the car, Lang Jinzhi thought about it for a little before he pulled Zhong Yuhuan into his arms.

He has a large build and with his arms around her, Zhong Yuhuan’s delicate and petite body was even less noticeable. All the more nobody would pay any attention to her.


It was already 11 PM after they finished dinner.

Dinner lasted for a little over four hours.

At least two hours of that was Chen Mingye yakking on all by himself and catching up with Lang Jinzhi.

By this time, it was entirely dark outside and not very many people on the street.

It’s not a bad time to go over to the hospital now.

Chen Mingye drove and took everyone to the hospital. He even headed to the urgent care unit and faked having gastroenteritis.

As for Zhong Yuhuan, Lang Jinzhi, and Secretary Cheng, they’ve snuck upstairs quietly.

When they reached the right floor, Zhong Yuhuan took a look from afar and said, “What a coincidence… someone just walked out from his room.”

“Xu Yunhui?” asked Lang Jinzhi.

Zhong Yuhuan chuckled and shook her head, “No, it’s the actress. That wasn’t surprising. As stubborn as he is, he could only be the one who wrong others but he wouldn’t allow anyone else to wrong him. Naturally, he’d want to faceslap Xu Yunhui the first chance he got. Which was why he had this actress come over. Naturally, that’d force Xu Yunhui to make her next move.”

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