Hunter exam part 2

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~~~Your P.O.V~~~
Mother sent me over to the zoldyks mansion
To train with illumi my...fiancé I mentally gulp I will say I'm HELLA nervous but I must remain composure over myself ( flash back ) my mother just told me I will be participating in the hunter's exam I walk to my room and change

fiancé I mentally gulp I will say I'm HELLA nervous but I must remain composure over myself ( flash back ) my mother just told me I will be participating in the hunter's exam I walk to my room and change

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I'm walking down the enormous hallway when I see my little sister ivory i look at her favorite outfit (THE OUTFIT IN THE VERY BEGINNING) hi sis she says hi ivory, ivory look I'm going to be gone for a while so take care of my crown ok I wink of co...

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I'm walking down the enormous hallway when I see my little sister ivory i look at her favorite outfit (THE OUTFIT IN THE VERY BEGINNING) hi sis she says hi ivory, ivory look I'm going to be gone for a while so take care of my crown ok I wink of course she winks back and skips to her room (flash back ended) the next thing I know I'm face to face with illumi,

~~~Illumi P.O.V~~~
I look at the woman before me and greet her her head hung down slightly with a tinted purple pink blush I must say it was hard to tell with her gorgeous dark skin/light skin we make our way to the training area and we began I wanted to recap her abilities first hand so I start with a strong punch to her ribs she didn't even flinch i scowl she's quite strong...

~~ 3D P.O.V ~~~
Y/n sent a round house kick to illumi s left side and pulled his hair and swung him, he was sent flying into the wall illumi then threw his needles full speed ( after the fight ) y/n was on her knees breathing heavy illumi then said " you made me break a sweat and 2 fingers your ready" The hunter's Exam y/n thought and looked up.....get ready she smirked...

Next chapter: Y/n...

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