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(Y/n P.O.V)
After me and the little fuckers meet
Gon throws his fishing rod line to get some bag or sum, then we start running again
I was getting tired as it is and haveing kids around me made it worse

Killua:  let me try that later !
Gon:  if you let me try your skate board, okay ?

As we're running together killua's smart ass turns to me and gon and says
I'm impressed you can keep up with me

Gon:  really ?
You:  rude
Killua:  or maybe it's just everyone else is too slow

Then next thing you know they challenge me to a race

You:  I'm pretty sure I won !
Killua:  No you didn't old lady! I did !!
You:  don't get smacked child I won suck it up brat!!

Gon: who was faster ? -looks at examiner

Examiner:  I believe you all crossed the line simultaneously

You:  bullshit -you say under your breath-
Fine I'll bye you Brats dinner *hump *

Neko face Killua:  I guess your not so bad "big sis "

You: shut your face -you say a blushing-

~~~~~next phase of the hunter exam~~~~

(3D P.O.V)

Hence the name swindlers swamp the examiner says to the large group of people
Stay very close to me so you won't be deceived then A tall shirtless man says "what a joke "
How can they fool us when we're expecting it
DONT LET THEM FOOL YOU! Someone shouts a man then comes from around the corner bloodied and bruised
D-don't fall for it he says he's lying to you !
He says pointing to the examiner he's an imposter he adds he isn't an examiner I'm the real one he says pointing to himself look at this then he starts polling some monkey thing with the same face as the "examiner"

Gon: He looks just like satotz-San!

You:  ew

It's a man-faced ape, one of the creatures that dwell in the numere wetlands
Man faced apes love the taste of fresh human flesh the man finished

Your thoughts- what the hell did my mom sign me up for....

Illumi x royal black reader Where stories live. Discover now