Solution x is x Mojority Rules ? Part 2

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Y/n P.O.V
I've been falling for a good lil minute now- AH *hits the ground* nvm..I take a good look at my surroundings when I heard footsteps quickly I go up a large tree and hear somebody speak

?-you can come down here toots I already saw ya

I jumped down from my branch ready to face whatever enemy this was who are you I say to the woman she just looks at me up and down and smirks I said speak whoever you are

?- The names Qiyana but my people call me Yana I'm 21 anything else your highness heh ?

?- The names Qiyana but my people call me Yana I'm 21 anything else your highness heh ?

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Y/n-What do you want

Yana- nothing from you your mother on the other hand owes us

Y/n- who's "us"?

Yana- you'll know

But before I could ask her anything else I felt somebody behind me and saw darkness..

?- wake up gorgeous
?-dose this dress make me look fat?
?-shhh she's waking up

Huh I open my eyes I'm met with 4 different people one being the woman from before "Oiyana" or something I felt somebody peal the tape that was on my lips I stay quiet yea I could easily get out of here and kill all of them but I wanted to see what they wanted with my mother

Yana-  well this is the "us" I spoke of earlier everybody introduce ya self and tell lil mama what her dear old mommy did to ya

Lily- HI I'm Lily rose I'm 14 your father and my mother...well let's put it this way I'm your half sister heh it's pretty weird considering your mom killed my mother..BUT HEY no Ill will to you

y/n- WAIT WHAT-I couldn't even get to Question her before the next person started taking

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I couldn't even get to Question her before the next person started taking

Neon- My name is Naomi other way known as neon Im Hisokas daughter your mama killed my twin sister over money my father is incompetent and didn't give a shit about me or her and still doesn't in her absence I will do what ever it takes to bring her justice starting with our father then your mother

Neon- My name is Naomi other way known as neon Im Hisokas daughter your mama killed my twin sister over money my father is incompetent and didn't give a shit about me or her and still doesn't in her absence I will do what ever it takes to bring he...

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Agent C- I'm carlo...

Yana-well that's all of us your mother isn't who you think she is Y/n take it from me suga I think you should go get your sister

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Yana-well that's all of us your mother isn't who you think she is Y/n take it from me suga I think you should go get your sister...

Y/n....what did she do

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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