My Love

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I keep watching the sky, it looks so beautiful with those lightning stars and the moon. But still, I felt like something was missing. Though I know the fact that I am lonely in this world, still I don't know why I felt like something was yet to come.

The next day, I saw an angel looking at the moon from where I usually stand, in the middle of the grassy field. I couldn't take my eyes from you, the moon lost its attention from me. Even the moon was jealous of you, because to the birds and crickets singing melody, to the trees and grass that moved with the little wind flow, the river that flowed slowly, to me, you were the Moon Goddess of earth. I just looked at you from far, fear of scaring you stopped me from moving.

It was getting harder for me to control the urge to touch your hand. It was enough torture for me so one day, I left my hiding spot and went near you. You moved back watching me coming towards you as you thought you are alone here for the past weak. I hold your hand softly; your hand's warm and soft, fits perfectly in my cold hands under the blue sky.

It became a habit for me to wait for you, such a sweet addiction you have become for a hungry beast like me. Let me hold your hand and capture you in my heart, or else someone else might take you away from me. I will safely keep you in my heart without a scratch. Just don't leave me alone here, or else I will lose myself here.

As the nights went by, our love grew up from a seed to a huge tree with branches of wishes, hopes, and dreams filled with leaves of happiness, love, and affection. I felt like my heart is again beating and filled with the pure emotions of my childhood. I wish to live here forever with you. In exchange for you, I am ready to leave my fate and heaven in the hold of Satanic Demons to hold you tightly in my arms and devour you under the moon.

We made love under the bright night sky filled with thousands of stars and one moon shining brightly, making your body look like Angel's body under mine. I guess I will have to wish for you to forget me if I ever fade away from here. I don't want you to be chained by my thoughts in your mind. Live freely, because only the lucky ones get the chance to do so. I might fade away one day, take care of my tree then because it needs your love.

Seunil came to visit her dear one today just as usual. But the sight in front of her is something that left her in a daze. She wanted to scream out of her lungs to break the silence of the night but nothing came out of her mouth. The silence lingered in the air just like usual but with an unusual scene.

One day, I will have to pay my price for breaking the rule of not meeting you. The next day you will see along with the bright moonlight, bloodstreams flowing with the waves of the calm river. With me, in the end, the end of the shore, waiting for you to watch you come to my clutch for one last time before I leave...

And today is the night.

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