Chapter 5 Blake can be... Strange...

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Pain rushes through my shoulder but still, showing no pain, I instead show fear, which was all I could think about.

"Are you in pain, Sam?" Blake's evil voice echoes inside my head.

"Y..." I can't answer as my eyes change from green, to turquoise.

Blake's grin fades as he looks into my eyes.

"S...sorry... I lost it..." He confesses.
Slowly, he lets go of my shoulders, of which, are now sore and feel broken.

"Huh?" My voice quavers.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but whenever I'm alone with a girl, an attractive girl, I go a little crazy and can't control myself... So, I'm sorry..." Blake continues.

"You're the snake, right?"


"I know now,... you're the snake. Owen is the dog, Jayden is the bat, Tristan is the bunny, Adam is the mouse and Riley is the cat. I get it."

"Why are you.... wondering this now?"

"Can I see?"



"See what?"

"Your animal form. Can I see it?"

"..." Blake's face goes red as he just stares at me with disbelief. "... You... are one of the only people to ask me that..."

I smile at him but I still don't entirely know what he means.

"Okay, sure. But I, uh... I should go tell him to come in then..." Blake gestures towards Owen out the window.

"So, is that why he was all 'no, I don't wanna help Jayden' back there?" I ask all of a sudden.

"To keep us from being alone? Yeah, I guess..." he answers my question.
Then he gets up and unlocks all the doors and opens all the windows. He opens the one Owen jumped out of, last.

"Yo, Owen!" Blake shouts from a ways away.

Owen turns to see Blake at the window to seem like he's listening.

"C'mere! I gotta tell you something!"

"Let me find Angel first!"

"That's what I have to talk to you about."

"Wait,..." Owen bolts towards the window. "So she isn't even out here?!"

"Nah, man. In fact,..." Blake reaches into his pocket and pulls something out. "She's right here."

I realize what it is and jump back in surprise with a little bit of a scream.
"So you... had her here... the whole time?..."
My voice shakes as I ask in fear.

"Well, yeah. If I told you, it wouldn't have been very fun going near you." Blake laughs at my reaction.

In his hand sits Angel, kinda crunched up in a ball.
Then she moves to be a little more comfortable and I try to refrain from screaming.

But as soon as she opens her eyes, all my fear goes away.

Eight, light blue, gem-like eyes flutter open as the spider's white legs stretch.

"She... isn't actually that scary...."

Owen grabs Angel gently, but quickly, and gods her up in the air. "Angel!!"

I just stare at him with wide eyes.
"You really love her, don't you?" I smile.

"Yeah, of course I do. She's mine and only mine." He's happy for a minute, then faves Blake. "What were you doing in here anyway? I saw you close the doors and windows, so what was going on?"

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