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I got a call again from seulgi, it's just last night when she called damn it what is this again? I pick up the phone as I handed the horse to my other mates here jungyeon and we're working together for almost 3 years now and we are good friends, I also teach her to play cards when we have free time at the deck  I teach he too how to read cards.

"mind to hold Lego, I'll just answer it," I said and she nods 

" Hello ?.... what is it again?" I ask and she sight 

"Go to the mansion ask for mandy our maid about the Paracel that have been delivered there, it's on your name, it's a suit a gold card access to jade caven casino hotel  the gold card have 5 million baht you know what to do with that, be at the hotel at 10 pm tonight the game will start at 10:20 pm so be in time, don't worry I got you all cover up just spent the money and that will be fine " she utter and i sigh

"fuck Seulgi what the hell is this again?" I ask and she groans 

"bitch I'm going home tonight so we will be playing poker later," she said and I sigh 

"fine I will be there.... fuck you seulgi" I drop the call and sigh 

"Got a game coming in?" jungyeon ask and I nod 

"yeah wanna watch Nah I'm just a newbie so don't expect too much," i said and she shrugged 

"yeah got your support here buddy," she said and I nod 

"great then... let's finish work so we can go early" I command and we finish everything for today 

I did what seulgi said I went to their mansion that that far but still took distance on it and grab the parcel that she mentions earlier 

as I got the box it's consist of the card a new smartphone some classy watch formal clothes and a coat as well as a necktie nice and also some cash on it 

"great ... now let's have some fun tonight" I utter and we head out to change some attire 

I went home and I told jungyeon to went to the hotel at the given time also I ask my mom that I will be late tonight because I need to meet seulgi, she knows how my childhood goes with seulgi and also they have no but's or no when it comes to seulgi they are more thankful at her because she helps me with everything 

there are a few that I earn from our last game in Macau but I reserve that for my brother and sisters school as well as the other of it had been spent when we decided to open the small restaurant for my parents 

 But that money won't sustain us for life, I got millions but what will happen after that million got spent? left me nothing but stress that's why I'm working hard to help my parents 

I arrive at the hotel, I glance at my watch and right in time 10 pm sharp 

I entered as I show them the gold card, that's how it goes show them the card and they know what to do with 

"Good evening ma'am this was VIP exclusive area," the man said and jungyeon and I went inside as we follow the man at the area 

"I'm here to play, under the name of Kang Seulgi" I interfere, and he nods as he showed us the way 

"Just in time Ms. Seulgi is waiting for you at the table gold ma'am," he said and he pointed to the table and I can already saw the bitch

"hey I miss you buddy.... well hi Jungyeon nice to see you too buddy " she hugs us both and I push her away 

"fuck off are we playing or not?" I irritatedly ask and she back off 

"Okay fine let's sit down for a moment.... waiting for the crowd to be here," she said and I nod



I was watching from afar and Seulgi instructed us to watch how she play the game, in just a few moments they started and I was clearly watching how she handle the card, she put down the card and Look at seulgi 

"150 thousand baht, bet," Seulgi said and that girl who I assumed lisa nod as she places the chips of poker at the deck 

"raise, 200 thousand baht," the young man said and lisa smirk 

"check " she knocks at the deck and she flinches her gaze at me 

we stared for a couple of seconds as her attention went back again to the game 

her eyes are telling me something more as if she wanted to talk to me directly but she looks back at the game as soon as the house role the cards again 

"the block, ace of spade, queen diamonds, jack of hearts," the house said and Lisa turn into something serious 

"raise 400 thousand baht," the man said and Lisa smirk 

"I bet, 500 thousand baht," she said as she glances at me again before glancing back at the card 

" deal buddy," the young man said and the house put the last 4 cards at the table 

Lisa smirk again and she throws the card at the table 

"too early buddy " she teases as the young man scratched his head paying the 500 thousand baht 

"Wanna go again? ..." the house ask and seulgi and Lisa just nod 

" one last game, just to start up I wanna drink after," Lisa said and she whispered something at seulgi 

an old man took over the seat of  the young man, the man shakes hands with Lisa and they bid a greet with each other

"I see you're a newbie here little girl," the old man said  lisa smirk again, I got obsessed at that smirk of her damn 

"Not that new not that old sir, let's start?" she ask and they roll the cards 

At first, it's just calm and slow bets all if getting along and as well as the game 

"Raise 1 million baht," the man said and Lisa nod 

" call, check please," she asks and the man draw the cards at the deck 

"I bet 1.5 million baht," Lisa said and that widen my eyes what the fuck how did she do that fucking bet without even looking at the card 

"call, check please," the old man said and Lisa nod whispering something to seulgi, I can say that the old man is already sweating, and as well as Lisa looking back at her card as she plays the chips of poker at her hands 

"All in 2 million baht " the old man exclaimed that made the crowed wild, we went near and that same pair of eyes glance at me before looking back at the cards on the deck 

"I all in, 3 million baht, " Lisa said and she knocks at the table a sign that she needed a check 

" the block, River, " the house put on the last card and everyone is gasping as Lisa throw her card with the same smirk on her face 

"Nice game uncle, thanks for the treats " Lisa stood up as she left Seulgi and jungyeon at the table collecting all the poker chips, hell that was a lot than I expected 

I followed Lisa and she got lost, as I stood to look for her I step back and I was shocked when I bump into someone, as I turn it was her staring at me already 

"Looking for someone?" she asks and it was a breathtaking view to see her this near 


A/N : okay I apologize because I wasn't able to publish the 2 chapters tonight instead I will publish the next chapter tomorrow night, sorry you're author haven't had enough sleep this week because it was our midterms exam and I was asleep the whole day of Friday and today so I didn't have the time to write the next chapter, I hope you enjoy them love you all mwa

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