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"Looking for someone?" she asks and it was a breathtaking view to see her this near


I notice she been looking at me and staring until I finish the game she looks so gorgeous as well as classy with the black dress she has this white and porcelain skin as her cat-like eyes glance at me and her aura seems so dark yet so seductive 

how can I feel this kind of attraction to a person like her I mean back then I like boys but still fuck ugh I don't know I have manhood but yeah 

"Uhm hi!" she simply said 

"you must be Lisa?" she asks and I nod 

"How did you know me?" I curiously ask and she grins a smile 

"Well maybe it's time for you to meet me, Jennie Kim.... the owner of Kim's hotels and casino," she said and I shook her hands she must be the one that seulgi mention damn how can a businesswoman this young at age is so god damn breathtaking 

"Oh yeah the one that Seulgi mention yeah .... I'm sorry I'm so Impolite about that ... nice to meet you Ms. Jennie" I apologize and she chuckles 

"you can call me Jennie .... that's fine," she said and I nod 

"Well wanna grab something to drink? the night is still long?" I ask and she smiles and nods at me 



she's nice to talk with actually I was enjoying our talk the whole night, no wonder seulgi is right girls and guy will easily fall for her only that than the asshole who waste her or him I don't know but yeah I just stick to her she looks like a woman with a manly height and charm 

"so let's talk about the job that I was offering ?" I ask and she glances away, I know she wasn't ready yet to talk about this but I needed her to save my company as soon as possible 

"Okay forget about that maybe at some moment we can talk about that, I mean I know you're a little tired too seulgi mention you came from work earlier before going here," I said and I look down a little disappointed 

"thank you for having a little patience at me, it's just I'm still kinda hesitant yeah have a little trauma at playing since my last game in Macau," she said and she drank the whole glass of her drink 

"Hey it's okay I understand .... whenever you're ready " I smile at her and she nods 

after a little chitchat with them, Lisa bid her goodbye, as well as her friend jungyeon and they, said they will be at the ranch tomorrow that they gladly accept to tour us around the ranch and plantation of grapes tomorrow 

"I'll see you guys tomorrow it was nice meeting you all," she said and they greet her a goodbye she waited until all of them entered the van, while I was left alone outside with her 

I don't know what to say yet I was way too shy to her 

"It was nice meeting you too, my soon to be boss ... I accept it " she smiles and my eyes widen as she said the last few words 

"WHAT? .... REALLY?" I exclaimed in joy and she nods 

"Yeah I'm not that hard to persuade if whatever seulgi told you fuck that bitch " she chuckles as she smiles at me 

"thank you so much for accepting the job, you don't know how important it is to me " I was almost teary and she caressed my care, in a glimpse I felt her hands at my cheeks as she brushes them with her thumb slowly 

"Hey I know, you won't be here and exert effort to see my game and ask me about It if it's not that important," she said and I nod 

"Take a rest now , i know you're tired too from the flight" she said and i nod 

"I'll see you then tomorrow " I wave at her before entering the van and she shouted back the goodbye 

"see you tomorrow " she shouted and I smile 

"Damn she accepted it" I utter at the back and they all look at me

"Woah that was fast .... maybe that bitch had liked you already I mean she really is hard to persuade sometimes," seulgi said and they chuckle 

"I think she nice... I like how she talks to me earlier "I mumble from nowhere and I found my self just staring outside the window

"Looks like someone is already in love how sweet a night to be " Rose' said as Jisoo tease me too 

"I thought you're straight?.... straight as an elastic bond when with Lisa?" Jisoo tease me and I groan 

"Yah that's fine besides I assure you when she comes back from the long run of the game your company will be on success, but before we left we needed to deal with her shits, her parents needed to know that this is just a simple job and thing but a company job so before we left Thailand we needed to talk to her parent for her consent you know how they treasure their daughter Lisa is such a kind and sweetie to them, " Seulgi said and I nod 

"I'm on it don't worry I'll talk to them," i said and they nod 



"what's with that fucking smile dude?" Jungyeon ask and I look back at her as I drop her home

"What?.... nothing," I said and she smacks my arms 

"fuck I know you really well shut up you like boss Kim right?" she teases me and I glare at her

"No I don't and it's because I got a new job, what seems in that fucking head jungyeon you dumb or what she's my boss how can I like her I'm way out of her league," I said and she grins from ear to ear 

"Nah I guess you're great together well keep up the great work I'll gonna miss my buddy, I will miss the poker game in our free time," she said that make me sad too knowing she will be here left all alone

"Don't worry ill bring you next time with me in Korea hang on I'll find you a great job too so we can all had fun there" I said and she smiles 

"Yah don't you dare fucking forget me I'll break your back" she glare and I chuckle 

"promise, I won't," she said and I made a promise hands at her 

"Right okay go get lose take a rest good luck at your career buddy," she said and I nod 

I hop in at my motorbike and ride back home 

it's a nice night, I won't hide she's the most breathtaking person that I met in my life, how can life still be great at me knowing all I was doing is bad and not that right? I trick people, I lied, I cheat but I did all of that for one reason that I know 

it's because I don't wanna see my parents suffer more as well as my brother and sister I do bad things for their sake of good yet am I still a bad person then?

as I reach the house it's almost 1 am and I open the door with the keys that were left for me as a spare 

I walk into my room and before I reach my room I stop at my brother and sister's room, I look for them as they sleep peacefully, the sight of them being safe and sound got me going thru the days, I'm sorry but I needed to do this 

"I needed to leave, Noona unnie need to work for you guys" I whispered and I left a kiss on their forehead

I took a short warm bath as I throw some comfortable clothes to make me more relax as I sleep 


A/N : I'll see you again next week lols i gotta savor my one week vacation as well as write too for you guys, hope you enjoy this one

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