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I see them struggling and I took and grip Lisa's wrist as I look up to the man 

"Let the fuck go, " I said in a firm and low tone but enough for him to hear it 

"who are you can you please go away we have a business to talk here," he said and I saw his face it is jungkook fuck what the hell 

"oh you are, who the hell are you to harass her?" I ask and he smirks 

"her ex? what about you go mind your business," he said and I now held lisa and stood up in front of him 

"Her better half, soon to be wife go fuck yourself of I'll punch you really hard even if I'm a woman I can do what guys do to don't provoke me to try me " I whispered at him and he now holds me 

I manage to take off his hands and kick his nuts as I kick his chest he stumbles to the ground and I pulled Lisa with me to a store place 

her eyes are a little teary and she is shaky she somewhat still have the trauma and I can see he really is scared, her parents can't see her like this 

"Hey shh can you hear me it's okay " I caressed her cheeks as she hugs me tight 

"he pulled me and ask me to come with him, or else he will do something to my family," she said and I see her family not that far from us 

"hey I'm on it I will make sure they won't be hurt huh ... babe please don't cry " I kiss her cheeks and she nods 

she is so fragile Seulgi is right and I can't bear to see her like this, I hold her hands as we walk back with her family 

"Uhm Lisa is not feeling well can we uhm just go and schedule for a movie date today at the house?" I approach the kids and bend at their height 

"There will be ice cream Pizza and some cakes " I whispered at their ears and they both nod and smile 

"Yey ice cream " they both exclaimed and jump in joy, her parents smile and they look back at me and stared back at lisa

"Lisa is a little dizzy at the moment so maybe we can just stay at home so that she can rest, " I ask his dad, and he nods 

"That's fine I can see that she is pale too, are you okay sweetie?" he approaches her, and lisa nod 

at the back of the van, I let her lean on my shoulders and still hold her hands as she closes her eyes , I wanna keep her in my sight until she feels better the only thing that is important right now is to keep her and her family safe as much as I could I will do everything to keep her safe

"Thank you " she utters as she turns to me and I nod 

"I know this was coming to the squad called me earlier .... no one can hurt you Lisa I promise" I keep my voice low and calm as I stroke her hands 

"No I'm the one who supposes to do that," she said and I shook my head 

"You deserve to be protected too, you're important to me " I never heard a word and a few moments later we arrive at the house again, we set up the sofa and we called to order foods 

Lisa and I settle in the bedroom while the whole family are on the sofa, I sooted her at my arms as his back facing me I climb and keep her closer to my arms as I heard her peacefully sleeping safely in sound at my arms, damn you don't deserve that trauma she must have PTSD because I saw how she was scared and even shaking earlier fuck that asshole I wanna ripped his head off 

I felt her move a little and she turns on me just for me to witness her smiling sweetly, i was glad she is feeling better now 

"you're up now wanna have some brunch?" I ask as she gazes at the time 

"Can we go on a date? just us?" she asks and I smile as I nod 

"Hold on are you okay now? we can just go at the rooftop rather than going out, I order lots of food too so let's just grab some ?" I ask as I was still bothered that her anxiety will hit her any time soon 

"how about let's go to the ranch and bring some food? , I kinda miss the place " she offers and makes a sad face to convince me 

I sat up as I reach into her neck and kiss her softly, the moment I tasted her lips again there is something I always want to taste too when it comes to her, it's addicting and I can't help but more of it 

"SO?" she asks and i nod, she smiles like a kid and we stood up and gather some stuff before we left the room 

"We are out mom, just gonna visit the ranch she asks,s and all of them nod 

"Keep safe unnies " the little girl shout and I can see they are enjoying their family time together 

"What's with the sudden change of plans ?" I ask at the car and she glances at me 

"Nothing, I just wanna spent time with you aren't I not allowed to do that?" she asks back as I return my gaze at the window, it's a sunny and windy day just right for a stroll walks 

"shut up just drive "I utter as I hide my smile 

she never fails to make me smile as always she's so thoughtful, so caring, and damn so hot lols me being gay for lisa is such a urrrgghh why are you making me fall like this.

we reach the ranch in no time yet it's at the late afternoon the sun is now settled and just right for us to stroll down at seulgi's families farm 

this is hella huge as fuck damn that bitch will never be poor with this huge of a ranch and plantation 

"LEGO! " Lisa shouted as soon as she saw her old horse that she often uses this seen made me in awe expression damn she's so cute 

"I miss you, buddy, I'm sorry for leaving " she talks to the horse as if it will talk back to her 

"You remember Jennie ?... yeah my boss and girlfriend too Nah I just got lucky " she brags about the fact that I was her's how can she this so cute damn I could kiss her right now 

"shhh don't brag about it I will be jealous seems like you love that horse more than me" I tease her as I step back 

she went near me as she approaches me with a kiss, I close my eyes as I savor every inch of her and felt how her lips perfectly fit mine, it was always like a move when she kisses me 

"Trust me when I say I love you more than anything and someone else .. don't be too jealous you already had me so yeah you know the drill " she winked at me and we walk to fetch my horse 

"I doubt that, " I said as she helps me to ride the horse she grins as she went at the horse 

"then I'll let you ride me later honey " she winked at me and left me dumbfounded what the fuck is that? what a fucking pervert she can be sometimes but that's fine I enjoy the idea too 


A/N: supppp how are you doingg

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