Chapter 7

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It's 7 PM and Lando, Charles, his girlfriend and I gonna shop at 8, so I need to hurry. When I'm doing my hair and my makeup Lando's phone lights up.

Max: when ur gonna tell her
Max: I don't thinks she likes it
Max: mate just do it

I grab the phone. 'Lando?' I say in a sad voice. 'What's wrong baby.' I hear him saying. 'Do you need to tell me something?' He turns around and looks like he's been caught. 'No, why?' I show the phone and he looks at the messages. 'Is this nothing?' I ask. I feel tears burning in my eyes. He shakes his head. 'I don't know where he's talking about, you trust me, right?' I nod. 'Yeah, I just... I don't know, why would he say that?' I ask. 'Babe, I literally don't know.' He tries to give me a hug but I push him away. 'I... I'm going for a walk.' I grab my airpods and my phone and leave the room.

~Later that Night~
'So what do you think.' I do a little spin and show Charles the outfit. 'It's cute.' Lando walks to me. 'I really like it.' He says. Lando and I gave been distancing from each other since the accident, because I don't know about the texts. I walk back into my fitting room and put on my own clothes. 'I don't gonna buy it, I don't really like it.' I say and put the dress back.

'I'm going to the toilet.' I say when we walk past a restaurant. 'I'm coming with u.' Charlotte says.
'What's going on between you and Lando.' She asks when we're waiting in line. 'A friend sent him a text that he needs to tell me something.' I say. 'What does Lando needs to tell you?' Charlotte asks. 'I don't know.' I feel my eyes filling up with tears. Charlotte sees it and gives me a hug. 'We're gonna send Max a DM, okay?' I nod and give her my phone. 'Can u do it?' I ask. She picks the phone and sends Max a DM. After a few messages we have a whole conversation.

Me: hey! What does Lando have to tell me. I saw ur messages and he won't say it.
Max: hi, ehmm yeah... Lando and I made a bed on the karting track to make you fall in love with him and then break up with you.
Me: oh

When I read the message I start crying. 'I can't do this Charlotte.' She looks at me. 'I understand, maybe you should go home I'll talk to the boys. Just pack ur bags and go home, yeah? I'll talk to Lando.' I nod, give her a hug. 'Thanks Charlotte.' And I leave the toilet.
'Hey, can I leave the restaurant trough the backdoor, a boy is chasing me?' I ask the bartender. 'Yeah sure. Ur okay?' He asks. I nod. 'Yeah.' I follow the guy and he opens the door. 'Here u go.' I thank him and walk back to the hotel.

When I'm walking back to the hotel I'm crying the whole time. 'He just used me.' 'He doesn't love me.' 'He took my virginity.' 'Its was just a game for him.' I feel really bad when I think about those things.
When I'm back at the hotel I bump into George. 'I'm sorry.' And I continue my walk, but George stops me. 'Ur okay?' He asks. I nod. 'Are u sure, it doesn't look like it, and where is Lando?' When I hear Lando's name I start crying. 'I... I just need time for myself, okay? see u George.' And I walk away.

I pack my bags, everything what's from Lando I put in his closet, and I write a note and put in on the bed.

Hey Lando,
I asked max what you needed to tell me. I thought u loved me, but I was wrong the whole time. I'm leaving tomorrow. I wish u all the best for this season, I think we're better of separated.

On my phone I book a flight for tomorrow at 4pm. I grab my suitcase and leave the room. When I close the door I see Lando coming out of the elevator. He looks really sad. I quickly run around the corner. I feel really bad for him, but he used me.

Me: can u pick me up tomorrow at 9pm at the airport? x
Best❤: yeah sure! What happen?
Me: tell you later
Best❤: okay ly🤍

I walk to the elevator and search for another hotel on Google. When the lift is down I see Carlos. He turns around and walks to me. 'Hey! Where ur going?' He asks. 'Going home, my grandma died.' I lie. 'Ahw ur okay?' He gives me a hug. 'Kinda, but I need to go, see u Carlos.' I say. I think its gonna be really hard for me to not see the friends I made at f1, George, Charles, Alex, Carlos, I'm gonna miss them.

When I walk into the new hotel a guy walks towards me. 'Can I help u?' He asks with a French accent. 'Ehmm Can I stay here for one night?' I ask. He nods. 'Yeah sure, including breakfast?' I nod. 'Yes please.' He walks to the cahsier. 'Ur total is gonna be zero euro's' He says. I look questioning at him. 'Zero euro's, what do you mean?' I ask. 'You look horrible your mascara and make up is all over your face and u don't look happy at all, I wanted to cheer u up.' He smiles at me. 'Thanks.' I say shyly. He gives me a key. '3th door on your left at the 3th ground.' I nod. 'Again thanks.' And I walk to the stairs.

~Lando Norris POV~
I fucked up! Max told Gabi what our bet was. I was fun at first but I fell in love. I really fucked up. I see a note on the bed, I walk to the bed and grab the note.

Hey Lando,
I asked Max what you needed to tell me. I thought you loved me, but I was wrong the whole time. I'm leaving tomorrow. I wish u all the best for this season, I think we're better of separated.

A tear drops on the paper. I grab my phone and call Max. 'What did you do!' I shout though the phone. 'Mate chill, I just told her the bet. That better for both of you.' He says. 'No! It isn't at all. I love her. You don't understand. I hate you!' I scream trough the phone and end the call. I sit on the bed an start crying. He fucked up. I fucked up, I should have told her. I grab my phone and call Gabi. I get voicemail 3 times. I look trough all the pictures we have together. I can't believe what I did. I just lost the most gorgeous, amazing, funniest girl I've ever met. I can't just delete her out of my life. I love her.
I stand up and walk to the room of Carlos. Carlos is always there for me when I need him. He kinda is a dad for me. 'Hey Lando!' He says when he opens the door. 'Mate you look horrible.' I start crying. 'Hey, what's wrong? You miss her?' He asks. I nod. 'She will be back, okay? Her grandma Just died she needs space okay.' I look questioning at him. 'What do you mean?' I ask. 'That's what Gabi told me, but let me guess that isn't right at all.' I tell Carlos the whole story. 'I'm so so so sorry.' He says and wraps his arm around me. 'But u really fucked up, u should have told her earlier.' He says. I nod. 'I know.... I was scared, I didn't want her to break up with me, I love her.' I start crying again. 'Hey bud, you should get some sleep it's late and tomorrow is first practice.' I nod and stand up. 'Thanks Carlos.' I say before I shout the door. 'No problem.' He says kindly.

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