Chapter 21: Epilogue

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Ooo, lucky double chapters in one day..anyways thank you so much for reading this fanfiction and giving me support, but as you read this is the last chapter 😭, I hope you enjoy! Alsoooo- I have written/ going to write more fanfics, so please check them out!

Oikawa's pov

~7 years later~

I remember like it was yesterday, mine and Iwa-Chan's wedding was so beautiful and amazing, I close my eyes and thought back to standing on the alter my hands in Iwaizumi's rough ones and saying those amazing words to enclose our marriage.

I, Haijime Iwaizumi, take you, Tooru Oikawa, to be my  husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, and this is my solemn vow.

I, Tooru Oikawa,take you, Haijime Iwaizumi, to be my  husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, and this is my solemn vow.

I felt hands on my cheeks, I open my eyes and stares at Iwaizumi. "What are you thinking about?" I shake my head and rests my hands on his hands, "just about our marriage, I just can't believe I'm here with you". Iwaizumi smiles and kisses me deeply, which I happily returned. "Come on..lets go to bed, it's getting late".

Iwaizumi's POV

I lead Tooru to our bedroom and climbed into the warm blankets, not bothering to get changed, I got on top of him and starts  kissing him deeply, which he returned. I took off our shirts and traces the scars that littered his body, I felt Tooru shift uncomfortably underneath me. "You're so handsome Tooru and these scars make you even more handsome..", I saw him shake his head and I kissed each one, "yes you are..each scar tells a story", I said and he huffs, "you tell me all the time", I just chuckle softly.

I was about to undo Tooru's pants when the door burst open, making me roll of him. I look over and see two little children, each holding hands with a small teddy bear. "Daddy..mummy..can we sleep here tonight?" The small girl asked, her dark brown hair was swung over her shoulders, her sleepy olive eyes were fixed on us. The small boy perked up, "we had a nightmare..", he mutters and shied away, his light brown bangs were messy and he glances at us with his large chocolate eyes.

"Come here, Aito and Yua..", I hear Tooru say and opens his arms. Our son and daughter came rushing towards us and climbed into bed with us, snuggling into either one of us and we wrapped our arms around them. The next thing is we here shallow breathing and noticed the two children were asleep, we smiled at each other and I kiss Tooru softly.

"I love you so much Haijime, thank you for making my life meaningful and sticking by me..if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here..", he tears up. I moved a hand to caress his cheek and wipes away the tears, "I love you so much too Tooru, I would do anything for you and I will never leave you..", he smiles at me. Not a fake one that he showed for years.

But a genuine smile.

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