Chapter One

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I look down at my notes, there is absolutely no way I am passing this test. I was in my first year of college and I already knew I couldn't make it much longer. I'm what most people call... well, lazy. If I could, I'd stay at home and do my make up over and over. I wanted to be a model but got turned down by everyone because; for one, my ribcage is 'too wide' and apparently I don't make a good first impression? Whatever, I knew I was too good for any place that turned me down.

Lately I've done everything to get out of having a real proper job. I not interested into anything really, well it's not so much that, it's just I'm not good at anything. I've tried out for so many jobs in the last week; 14 to be exact, and I've been declined by all but two.. and they haven't gotten back to me yet.

My parents kicked me out right when I was eighteen. They gave money, bought be a flat and told me to visit them every month. I didn't care really, I wanted out of the house anyway. I felt like the disappointing child. I have two older brothers. One is in Med schooling at Harvard and the other is in law school. Show offs.

I closed my notebook and groaned as I rolled out of my bed. Tonight I was going out with my best friend, Bridgette, who never seemed to be available since she started dating this model-hot boyfriend of hers.

It took me a little under an hour to do my hair, makeup, and pick out an outfit. We were going to dinner and getting our nails done, but I always tried my best with my appearance.

When I heard her honk her horn on her car like she always did when she arrived, she was never the patient type, I grabbed my purse and phone before running outside.

"Marilyn! It's been so long, I just needed a girls night so bad." she hugged from over the middle console in her car and I smiled, nodding.
I started to bring up something about last nights episode of the bachelor as she started driving out to our favorite diner. My real name wasn't Marilyn, its Elizabeth, but no one calls me that. Like I said, I've always wanted to be a model of some type, and Marilyn Monroe has always been my inspiration. When I was six I didn't answer to anyone unless they called me Marilyn, so thats what they did, and it's never changed since.

We park and go inside, sitting in the window seat as always. The second we sit down my phone rings and I look down to see a number I didn't recognize.

"I think I should get this." I sigh and Bridgette groans and shoos me away with her hand. I hit the answer button.

"Hello?" I answer hesitantly and am confused to hear a girl voice with a British accent.

"Hi, my name is Katie. I'm one of the band One Direction's managers. I understand you're looking for a job.. Am I correct?" She spoke and I was a bit confused. Is this a joke? I'm a fan or anything but this is still really cool.

"I um- yeah how'd you know?" My hands shook as I stepped into a bathroom stall.

"A job you applied for said you'd be perfect for the job I'm currently in need for." The lady explains and it suddenly makes sense in my head.

"And that job is?" I was curious to what she'd have to say, I mean what could I possibly do for a boyband? I have no talent, I'm not smart, the only thing going for me is my looks.

"Here's the thing, you'd well, date one of the members. Harry Styles, to be exact." She speaks in a quieter tone, probably trying to be a bit secretive. I kind of figured celebrities had fake relationships for publicity, I mean, lets be real here, but why would they want me? I'm not famous, why would people care?

"I'd love to take you up on your offer, but um.. Why exactly me?" I decide on saying. I was a bit uneasy at the thought of being on a magazine just as 'Harry Styles girlfriend'.

"Oh please, The boys could date anyone, even a dog, and their fans would make a huge deal. You're appealing to the eyes and won't ever be in the position to be questioned about your relationship." She rambled on and I understood her words. If they chose someone who was famous as well, they both would be asked at interviews. This way Harry has to stick to the true acting, if I take the job that is.

"Okay, um, payment?" I mean, lets skip to what really matters here, I don't care about hurting a bunch of ten year olds feeling for dating their 'future husband', the money in this had to be good.

"$20,000 per week." She says and my jaw drops, I expected a lot, but not that much. I wanted this job now, real bad. "there's just one catch." she adds. I sigh in response, there always is isn't there?

"Harry's a bit sensitive when it comes to relationships and using women, so we have to keep this a secret from him. You have to actually date him, well he can't know anyway. He needs to really think you are in love with him, or he won't agree to it. We will simply set up an interview where you'll meet him and you will need to grab his attention, if not we will tell him he needs to go out to dinner with you because of a contest or something, we can figure out the details. Are you in?" She says like it's no big deal.

This is a huge deal, not only was I lying to the world, I'm lying to him.



So I'm starting out this story and if people start to like it I'll try to update every other day or so. I have another story but I don't know whether to continue that one or not, so if you could take a look and let me know that would be amazing!


So the girl is Selena Gomez, because I love her and pls don hate me.. Yes I know she's used in a lot of fan fiction.

Check up the media above.. Love you all! - Sam xox

What ends with that T, starts with a T, and had T in it.

A Teapot 😂

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