Chapter Two

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Being the kind person I am, I agreed to have a meeting with One Direction's management to talk more about the job. I hadn't told Bridgette, I just simply said it was my mom. The rest of the day with her went by so slow, and all that was on my mind was the job I might just take.

Questions were filling my mind. Was he nice? Would he even like me? Would the fans hate me? I was honestly pretty nervous. That night when I got home I spent the whole night researching Harry Styles.

I was laying on my bed, sweatpants and all, drinking coffee to be able to keep stay awake. I watched so many videos of him and he looks like a nice guy, almost too nice. He had a genuine smile, and he was honestly really hot. There had to be a catch about him, I bet he was secretly a douche or something.

I woke up the next morning, my head against the wall and my fingers still on the keyboard of my laptop. I rubbed my eyes as stretched out. I clicked my phone on to check the time, which it was almost mid-day.

I stood up from the bed and groaned, I had to get ready for my interview at two this afternoon. Maybe if I was stubborn enough they would increase my already large pay. Honestly, this whole thing felt like a dream, or anything but reality.

I wore a plain oversized white shirt that fell off one shoulder and light washed jeans. I put my hair in a side fishtail and completed my makeup. I normally dress up more than this, but I didn't want to seem desperate for the job, so I just dressed casual.

After taking a short walk out on the 'safe' streets of Los Angeles, like I did most mornings, I went back to my place to grab my things. I soon went out to my car and got on my phone to look at the directions Katie sent me to the 'secret' building. When I arrived I realized it wasn't so secretive, as it was behind a restaurant and said 'management' on it. Katie said it had to be in hiding or they'd all be killed by their fans, which I learned are called directioners.

I got out and straightened up my shirt, knocking on the side door as I was told to do. A few seconds after Katie opens the door and hugs me, which I lightly hug her back for a couple of seconds.

"Hey, you ready to meet everyone else? Just be confident and kind and they'll beg you to date Harry, you're drop dead gorgeous." She smiles and leads me to a room filled with people twice my age.

They were all sat at a long conference table, and there were two empty seats for Katie and I. I sat down and gave a fake sweet smile as all eyes were on me.

They started out the meeting with a bunch of things that didn't involve me, then a guy at the end of the table spoke up, "How do we plan on easing her into this?"

Katie speaks up, as it was her idea, "We will say she won a contest. She won't be a massive fan, we can get an article out there about how a friend signed her up for it. Harry will love her, I know he'll find her attractive and I'll give her tips of what he likes. Then, we can just show them hanging out in public multiple times and not say anything about them dating to begin with, like we did with Taylor."

Her words make me more confused and a bit light headed. I wasn't so sure if I could do this. The people around me continue to talk, acting as if I wasn't there, and I didn't really care. I was spaced off until they put a price of paper in front of me; a contract.

I look at it and take the pen, my hands shaking. All I could think about was how to get out of this. I was just going to push the pay, "I'll do it for $30,00 a week." I look up an Katie gives me a look.

The guy at the end looks at me and sighs, thinking for a second, "Alright, that's as high as we will go though." He frowns and I realize I have to do it. The pay was crazy.

My hand shakes as I quickly sign my signature on the bottom of the paper so I don't change my mind. I set the pen down and look up, letting out a sigh of relief.

"So you can tell anyone about this okay? No one is knowing about this but the people in this room." Katie takes the papers and looks at me. Her words make me uneasy but I nod.

"I'll text you the restaurant you'll have your contest date at tomorrow." She stands and looks at me. "I'll walk you out."

I follow her out to my car and she gives me things Harry likes in girls. I knew most of these things because of the interviews I listened to, but I pretend this is all knew information to me.

When I head back home my mind is racing at everything that is going on. I lay my outfit out for the next day and go to be early that night.

I spent the whole next day getting ready for my five o'clock date which would be at a fancy restaurant in Beverly Hills.

Katie sent me directions and a good luck paragraph. I barely knew her, but from just the two days I did, she was extremely kind.

When I pulled up to the restaurant the next day I was wearing a white dress with gold heels, my hair pulled up in a messy bun. My make up was slightly a bit more heavy than yesterday, which was necessary with my outfit choice.

The second I stepped inside my heart stopped. Sitting in the back corner was Harry Styles, looking at the menu. Then everything sunk in.. This is the man I would be dating for at least six months.



so I'm going to have a reader of the chapter type thing... If you want it to be you then comment what you think is going to happen in the next chapter.. Closest person is the winner :)

Follow my insta.. I'm doing a giveaway an I Follow back ->


Love you all! - Sam xox

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