Chapter 6

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"Am I really his mate?"

"Christian," my voice was more asking then stating, "why the hell did you lock me in this room?"

"Were you planning on running away?" Christian asked in a matter of factly tone.

"No,yes,maybe,no," nice cover.

"Busted, well, we can't have that now, can we?" I had pulled off the shorts. And began slipping on the first pair of jeans I saw.

"Now, can I go talk to my dad," I felt a yawn coming, but I held it in knowing Christian wouldn't let me go if I was tired. I felt a tremble shake my body. What the...? My head began to throb, I fell to the floor with a grunt. I could tell Christian was watching me, but he wasn't doing anything. Panicking.

"Oh gosh," he exclaimed finally moving. He came to my side and I felt myself scream from pain. Dammit this hurts. Feels like an elephant is stepping on my head. My face Is wet from crying and I can tell I'm still shaking. "I didn't think it was this far yet," so, this is normal? He picked me up like I'm as fragile as glass china. I laid into him, feeling my tears soaking his shirt. What's wrong with me? I screamed again, but he didn't put me down and cooed words of endearment. Finally after one last tremble, my body gave up on hurting me and settled with a minor headache.

"Christian, can I lay down for a minute or two?" He laid me down, but the unexpected was that he came around and laid behind me, I was on my side pressed into him, his arm around me, my hand over his. I was comfortable. I hate to notice this, but we fit together perfectly. My eye lids felt really heavy, but I fought to keep them open. No use, before I knew it I was asleep.

I woke up about 3 hours later, but Christian was gone. I can tell he just left, did he lock me in again? I twisted the golden doorknob that was on the tall white and gold trimmed door, to my surprise, it was open. Wonder where my father went. I inhaled deeply and caught his scent and my mother's. He must have called her. Did someone just hiss at me? Sure enough when I turned around a blonde chick had her fangs bared and she was hissing away. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Honestly never been one to let other people phase me, specifically ones I don't know. Where the hell am I going? I stopped walking and looked around. I saw tons of people staring. I need to find Christian.

I followed my dad and mom's scent. This is not good.

"Kylie, there you are," Christian's voice sounded behind me. I turned around relieved to see him.

"Here I am," I smiled and waved, a shy smile played across my face. He walked over to me and ran his hand through his hair. I looked down feeling people's eyes on us.

"Come on, I'm sure your mother is expecting you and is worried sick," he ran his hand down my cheek. He began walking and I followed him quietly. "Ok what's up? You're to quiet," he stopped walking and turned towards me.

"What are you talking about? How can you say I'm to quiet you don't even know me," I threw my hands in the air to emphasize my statement.

"This is not the place for this conversation so please let's go find your dad." He sounded angry and I couldn't help but to smile when I looked at him. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You call me bipolar." He began to walk.

"No, I called you a psycho path. A very egotistic psycho path."

"When was egotistic added on to that because last I checked," he flashed a cocky grin, "it was a very sexy psycho path."

"No, I think egotistic and cocky looney bin fits better." He laughed.

"You absolutely suck at comebacks love," he chuckled.

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