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Alice POV:
I'm not sure how long it had been since I last saw a single living being that wasn't trying to kill me.It had probably been a year and a half or more since I left Claire and the others. Everyday it was getting tougher to keep going seeing only dead corpses walking around. Umbrella activity had dramatically decreased since Wesker's death,but occasionally I'd run into some of their soldiers. I was back in the United States having found a helicopter,and the first thing I did was fly back. Everyday I thought about Becky and Claire remembering as I had to walk away. I got off my motorcycle slowly as a group of cars blocked road ahead. A sigh escaped from me as I walked over to the cars stopping when I heard something crash down. "Fuck," I said looking down to see I had stepped right into a trap. My leg was pulled up in the air as the rope wrapped around it tightly. Groaning I reached for my knife going to cut myself down,when I heard several footsteps coming towards me. I lowered my head seeing Umbrella soldiers surround my bike and myself. "Alright search the vehicle,and then we will take her back," one of the soldiers said causing me to smirk. "I wouldn't do that," I said as one of the soldiers tried to start the bike. The motorcycle sent a electric jolt through the man frying him from the inside. "You boys never learn," I said quickly pulling my gun out from its holster. "She's got a gun!" one of the soldiers yelled as I shot him right in the head. "We need her alive," a soldier said running up behind me. A quick elbow to the head knocked him down as I begin firing at the other soldiers. Before I ran out of bullets I shot at the rope causing me to fall onto the hard road beneath. A small gasp escaped me as I tried to catch my breath the fall knocking it all out of me. "Now!" a soldier yelled throwing some small device at me. The device popped open releasing a bunch of green gas into the air. Quickly I covered my mouth,and begin to run away from the smoke as the soldiers begin opening fire. No doubt they were using rounds that would send electricity through the body,but only enough to knock you out not kill. Ducking down behind one of the cars I took a bullet count only to see I only had eight shots left. Given what I had seen earlier I could assume there were about five of them left,so I had to make every bullet count. One last sigh left my body before I stood up firing at one of the soldiers. My powers had increased dramatically over time since my fight with Wesker allowing me to dodge one of the bullets. One trigger pull later and the soldier who fired that round was down on the ground. The three remaining soldiers tossed what looked to be smoke bombs out. Smile filler the air as the detonated the soldiers moving into the smoke using it to their advantage. "Remember don't kill the target," one soldier said as I chuckled behind him. He turned around only to have a knife stabbed into his throat. Setting the body down slowly the other two exited the smoke seeing I wasn't where they intended. I ran out at the two punching one before delivering a back elbow to the other. The other soldier went to strike me with the stock of his gun,which I dodged before stabbing him in the stomach. Unable to pull the blade back out the other soldier managed to land a lucky punch. Blood could be felt rushing out of my nose now as that was one hell of a punch. "I almost want to let you live for how good that was," I said before punching the soldier. He stumbled back,but before he had time to react I shot him in the head. I chuckled as I turned to see the smoke from the bombs had faded,but now I saw my bike was shot to hell. "Of course," I said smirking as walked around to all the soldiers taking their ammo knowing it would be useful. "Thanks boys," I said before walking off down the highway knowing being out in the open like this was dangerous. No other options were available,so now it was one of the most dangerous travel options. Every time I had encountered Umbrella soldiers it always ended the same. I kind of missed the old days when fighting them was somewhat of a challenge. Several hours passed as I entered a small house that was right of the highway. Slowly I laid down next to the fire I made from the furniture. Thoughts of Claire,Becky,and Rain filled my head as I hoped they were all still out there. The nice memories of them stopped as now my head was full of memories of seeing the people I cared about dying. It was just another typical night,so all I could do was embrace the thoughts knowing if I would've been better I could've saved them all. The worst part was I knew I would likely never see any of the ones who were left alive again. Even if I ended this whole apocalypse it would probably kill me since the infection was in my body as well. I'm not even sure if ending the apocalypse would do anything now. Who even knows if there are any people still alive in this world. I closed my eyes as I knew I'd rather have a completely dead world then one full of walking corpses. Slowly I drifted off to sleep which could be dangerous given you never knew where the next infected was. Claire,Rain,and Becky stay safe out there if you even are out there.

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