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Alice POV:
It was another day on the road just trying to find the basic resources to keep going. A smirk rushed across my face seeing a lake that wasn't completely dried up. Stumbling a bit I ran over to the lake immediately dipping my hands in it. I took a drink of the water sighing in relief when suddenly a infected jumped out of the water tackling me to the ground. I grunted as this infected seemed to have some sort of strange mutation as it lived in the water. Finally I pushed the infected off before jumping back up to my feet. A small growl escaped from me as I kicked the infected in the head before stomping its skull in. "Fuck," I said to myself panting a bit knowing I couldn't even have a drink of water in peace. Screeching could be heard from the sky as of course of I was found by some special infected. Quickly I begin rushing over to a old jeep that was left by the lake. "Come on start for momma," I said as I turned the key thanking whoever was out there when it started. Suddenly a huge claw burst through the roof of the car grabbing it. "Shit!" I yelled to myself as I tried driving off the vehicle being held back by this creature. The roof was ripped off completely which allowed me to begin driving off from it. "Come on!" I said smacking the dashboard as the creature was right on my tail. It was persistent in its effort to grab me as finally my escape was found. I smirked seeing a bridge above knowing if I went fast enough it would crash into it. Flooring the gas pedal I drove right under the bridge the creature crashing right into it. I sighed stopping the vehicle seeing the rubble had crushed the creature's head as the bridge collapsed. A hour or so passed as I finally stopped seeing a small building that looked pretty untouched. Exiting the vehicle I made sure to keep a close eye out for any traps or infected that could be hidden. Grunting I kicked the door open only to realized during the scuffle with the bird and water infected I had lost my gun and knife. "Great," I said sarcastically as I walked in the building only to see nothing inside except a set of stairs that led to a basement. "Anyone here?" I called out as I slowly made my way down the stairs to see what looked like a bunch of destroyed small electronic machines. Luck was beginning to get behind my side as I found a knife which I picked up. Small tics could be heard from a fax machine which seemed to be writing a message. The paper read "Hello Alice" over and over again when suddenly a bunch of tv screens popped on. "Project Alice I see you've made it so far," the Red Queen said from the screen which caused me to smirk a bit. "I should've known you were still out there," I said shaking my head. "Listen I don't have much time,but inside of the hive in Raccoon City there is a airborne cure. Release it in the air and anything infected with the t-virus will be killed instantly. Behind you," she said as I turned to see a infected standing there. I took the knife me drove it into the monster's head before kicking it down. "Why should I trust you?" I asked turning to the screens again. "I can't work against Umbrella myself,but you can. The real Wesker is located in the hive,so if you go there you will finally be able to end him. Alice we both messed up in the hive the first time letting this virus escape. Fix our mistakes and save humanity,which by my calculations only has a week at most before they are wiped out," she said before the screens shut off. "A week?" I asked myself thinking about if Claire and the others were out there they'd die soon. I quickly ran outside to the truck knowing I had to get to Raccoon City as quickly as possible. I went to start the truck only to be met with a gun to the back of my head. "Why don't you just come with us?" a familiar voice said as I turned to see Dr.Isaacs and a group of Umbrellas soldier. "I killed you," I said in disbelief,but deep down part of me knew it was never him. "You just killed a clone,so why don't you come with us," he said before I was shot with a electric round which knocked me out cold. I'm not sure how much time passed as I opened my eyes to see I was in some sort of military vehicle tied against the wall. "Ladies and Gentlemen we have here a non-believer,and we shall do to her what we do to all non-believers," Isaacs said as he looked at his soldiers. "You're all going to die here," I said chuckling a bit as the vehicle bounced up as it begin spinning out of control. The vehicle crashed over on its side almost dislocating my wrist as my body fell to the ground. "What the hell was that!" Isaacs yelled out in anger as they opened a door seeing a spike trap in the middle of the road. "Watch her," Isaacs said as he left one soldier in the vehicle as the rest exited to likely call for backup. "Hey why don't you let me go?" I asked the guard who looked at me chuckling. "Whatever," he said shaking his head at my sarcastic question. "Your loss," I said before kicking his leg out from under him. As he fell to one knee I put both my feet on the sides of his head. "Should've let me go," I said snapping his neck with my feet. His body fell to the ground as I begin pulling against the ropes. Pain begin to set in as the rope burned my hands as I ripped them out. "Shit," I said as I freed my hands,but it dislocated a thumb. The vehicle had a back door which I crawled out of as silently as possible avoiding Isaacs and his men. I begin limping away as that crash hurt something in my leg,but I couldn't worry about it. Nearly a hour passed from when I escaped from them when Raccoon City came into view. A small laugh escaped from me as I kept walking knowing I could end this soon. "I'm coming Claire," I said when suddenly a large pole came swinging out from behind a car hitting me. The hit sent my flying into the air knocking me out completely as I hit the ground.

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