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A/N: Picture of Lyle on the side...
Enjoy!!! ;)

"No we have a new hot teacher? Cool what subject?" I asked with fake enthusiasm

But Lexi didn't seem to notice as she continued talking "He's the new Science teacher he's taking over from Mr.Brown" "Great!! To the office for our schedules" I said quickly changing the subject. We waking into the office and I saw the secretary Mrs.Robinson she was a sweetheart she was sixty something the old person in this school I liked "Morning girls,How was your summer?" She asked as she printed our schedules "It was great!" Lexi squealed flipping her hair back "Okay that's nice dear" she said as she handed Lexi our schedules "And you.." She pointed at me "I better not see you in here later" she said with a smile "No promises about that" I smirked and with that I walked off  to find our lockers  "We only have two classes together this year babe" Lexi whined Oh no that's not good "Which two?" I asked nervous as we stopped in front of our lockers  "Math and Gym" she said with a frown "I have AP US History first that's all the way on the other side of school I better get going if I'm gonna be early" she said as she put her books in her locker then hugging me before walking off "Robyn! You up for a little fucking later babe?" My ex boyfriend/best friend/fuck buddy Taylor Yeah I know we have a complicated relationship asked while groping my tits "Nah not tonight babe" I said pecking his lips before walking off I might as well head to the lab and sleep since I have 10 minutes left. I walked in and sat at the back of the class in the dark and took out my phone to text Lexi "Hey babe r u at class yet?"-Robyn

As soon as I hit send the lab doors flew open and whoever it was turned on the lights. Holy fuck!! It's like a Greek god walked through the door I kept staring at this stranger taking in his grey eyes,his chiseled jaw and his brown silky hair I kept staring at him but the buzz from my phone brought me back to reality. "What the fuck are you doing sitting in the dark?!" I shouted holding his heart

"I-uhh- I'm..." I stuttered I never stutter "Your..?" He trailed off waiting for me to continue who the fuck does he think he is?! "Are you planning on answering anytime soon?" He asked annoyed I got up and with every word I said I got closer to him "You listen here newbie I don't who you think you are but I run this school and unless you want your year here to be hell you never speak to me like that ever again!" I stopped when I was in front of him He smirked "Is that right?"

Does he think I'm bluffing "Does it look like I'm smiling with you newbie?" I asked with a raised eyebrow "Is that how you talk to all your teachers?" T-t-teacher?! Keep up the act don't show fear "Speak to anyone however the fuck I like Sir" I said the word Sir seductively Amusement danced in his eyes "What's your name young lady?" Young lady?! We're practically the same age "R-r-robyn Alexander" I stuttered again He brought his face closer to mine his lips millimeters away from mine He is gonna kiss me!! My heartbeat accelerated but then he moved his head past my lips and carried his lips to my ear and said "Beautiful name now go and take a seat Miss Alexander" The fuck just happened?! I felt my face flush and I mymbled a quick "Yes Sir"before walking off to go back to the back of the class "Miss Alexander from now on your seat will be at the front of the class in the centre"

I nodded and went for my bag and walked back to the front and the bell rang Talk about being saved by the bell. Students started to file in when everyone was in,the Greek god started talking with a professional tone "Good morning class I'm Lyle Harris but because you are all my sudents you will refer to me as Mr.Harris,I'll take the attendance but when I'm done I want you to ask me some questions and I'll do the same just so we can get to know each other okay? Great".

He started calling me it the names but when he reached nine he skipped it so I raised my hand "Sir you skipped my name"but the little prick ignored me I sighed not really into the mood for this but then that was when I realized the looks all the girls in the class were giving Mr.Harris.

They were basically eye raping him eww not saying that he wasn't hot because his white polo failed to hide his muscles mmmm...What I would give to suck his..."What are you thinking about Robyn?" Taylor's voice brought me back to reality "How long have you been there for?" I asked him "Long enough to know your thinking something dirty" he smirked while putting his hand on my thigh and moving it up and down

Everyone should know by now that doesn't do anything to me Taylor must've realized because he put his fingers at my pants waistline and slowly slid then into my panties then he slipped a finger into me I gasp "Taylor stop!" I whisper yell but his finger moves faster "Taylor I said stop!!!!" I shout this time causing his finger to stop and the whole class to go silent "Miss Alexander stay back after class...anyway now for your questions" Ashley the biggest school slut raised her hand "How old are you?" She asked while batting her eyelashes "24,next question"



"Play sports?"


"Why'd you become a teacher?"

"I like to share my knowledge"

And the questions went on until the bell rang "Miss Alexander stay behind please" he said as the class filed out when the last student was out he started to talk "Either serve two months worth of detention or be my student aid its up to you really" Spend time with him after school in a classroom by ourselves or in a classroom full of delinquents? That's a hard decision. 

"I'll be your student aid Sir" "Alright be here after school Miss Alexander" he smirked and with that he walked out.

Two chapters one day :D


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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