Chapter 18.5

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Todoroki POV

he barely looks up at me.

''What do you mean 'what'? You beat up some guy you don't know''

"No I did not. I punched him once and he went flying.''

''Even worse! What on earth could he have done, that you punched him that hard.''
I'm furious.
First the flirting, which btw broke my fucking heart and now this.

''You don't wanna know.''

''No. I DO want to know. What horrible crime did he commit in your eyes?"

He sighs and sits up, looking me dead in the eye.
"He put something in a drink and then gave it to someone. He then flirted with this someone. He took this person up to a room and was gonna do something."

"Still. There were other ways to settle it. Why were you so furious you couldn't talk? And you flirted with someone too y'know?"
I sit next to him on the bed.
He takes the remote and turns on the TV. Just to stare straight at it, while looking for a movie.

''Do you want to watch action or fantasy?"

''You almost killed that guy, Katsuki. I just want to know why. Answer me or I'm leaving.''

I SERIOUSLY don't know why I'm getting so worked up about this.
I think I'm simply annoyed that he NEVER talks to me about himself, but I vent to him all the time. It's just confusing and kind of unfair.

I'm not telling, for the person's own protection and because I would have to say EVERYTHING that happened that night and that would make EVERYTHING real fucking complicated and I don't want that.''

"Tell me or I'm really leaving."
I say again


I leave.
Do I really mean nothing to him?
Who was it that he got so mad about.
I call Shinsou and say that, Bakugou was drunk and thought that guy had drugged him or something.
I go to my room and start crying.


Bakugou POV

Why didn't I just tell him?
I can hear him crying on the other side of the wall.
It breaks my heart.
But I can't tell him about that night and the kiss and everything.
It would make everything worse.
It was all good.
Why did it have to turn out this way!?

I turn up the volume of the TV, so I can't hear the heartbreaking sobs of the person next door.
I can feel a tear running down my own cheek.

I fucking hate crying.


Todoroki POV

I wake up, the same nightmare I had few weeks ago. My room is icecold.
My first thought: Bakugou.
I go to his room and close the door behind of me.

"What are you doing here Icyhot?"
he growls

Oh I remember we had a fight. I guess that is why I feel so cried out.

"'If you're gonna nag me just go."
He turns back to the TV.
The memory of him kissing someone else keeps replaying in my mind. I break down on my knees and let out a loud sob.
He walks over to me.

"Woah hey don't cry. Please."
He says a little whiney and hugs me. I press my face into his neck and wrap my arms around him.

"Why did you have to flirt with that guy?"
I can't control the words coming out of my mouth and I don't care.

"Donno just felt like it." he said.
Does he genuinely not care?

"asshole" I say and push him away. I stand up.

"What is wrong with you? Control your mood swings"

"Just explain. This is all fucking confusing!"

Why hasn't he asked why I'm so mad at him for flirting? I mean every normal person would have asked.

"Calm down, will ya?"

He isn't looking at me, again straight at the TV.

"You had a nightmare again right, that's why you came here?"
He turns to me. An emotionless expression on his face.

"If you want to leave so badly then do that. If you want to have one of my hoodies then take one. Don't know why, but I guess it helps when you are wearing my fucking clothes or whatever.
You're not my boyfriend or anything."
he mumbled the last part, but I still heard it. He looks away again.

I just turn around and leave.

759 words

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