The Captain and Navigator

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A/N: Thanks to all the reviewers: Victoria Horn, 26Frenchguy, Guest #1, Marigrin, robertastarcris11, Like A Pro 42, bl0gmOnKeY78, Wiseold Sage, & ugochi.ejesi25.


Victoria Horn: to answer your question, no. The third chapter of the college au was going to focus on other characters; it was either make a third, fourth, and fifth chapter or keep it a two-shot. I have a simple rule of thumb when I write short stories, 'I'd rather end a story a chapter early than one too late.' Although I'm surprised you want a third chapter after you said the genre wasn't your favorite, but I digress you're very welcome to use that idea to create your own I wouldn't mind at all. Appreciate your question feel free to ask anymore you have and once again thanks.


I've written lemons, limes, smut, or whatever the hell they're called before, but not like this. It's basically porn with a semi plot which is rarely what I go for but after receiving requests months ago I finally had the time to write another one. If you enjoy this you know exactly who you are, as always enjoy the read.


Luffy's battle with the mysterious devil fruit using woman lasted this long merely for the captain's entertainment. Having conquered the most powerful of enemies in the New World albeit with some help he stood the undisputed king. A man who seen every form of battle take shape, numerous enemy transformations to keep him on his heels, it was fair to say nothing rattled the nerves of steel at this point.

Things changed after a harmless blast phased through his body not doing an ounce of a damage—there wasn't a scratch on him. There was no one else that knew his body like him except maybe Chopper but even then something was wrong now. It didn't feel painful more like his mind was opening up to new things like never before.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Luffy questioned feeling a soft tingling sensation creep into his head.

The woman giggled clearly enjoying the unusual torment she played on undisputed king. "My powers are unique and they seem to be taking effect as we speak," she couldn't contain her soft chuckles, "it looks like your no different from any other man."

"Shut up! Tell me what you've done to me right now?" He asked feeling anger suddenly consume his conscience before fleeting suddenly threatening to strip his fighting spirit.

"You'll see enough I did what I wanted to, have your stupid treasure back." She unceremoniously tossed the large sack of treasure they'd stolen a few days back in front of him—none of this made sense to the straw hat captain.

"Why fight me? If you weren't after treasure or to take my title what the hell did you want?!" Luffy had it up to here with this mysterious woman's games.

"I just told you dolt! You'll see soon enough muhahaha!"

Luffy took off his hat scratching his hair, "You have a weird laugh and are a strange lady."

"Shut up! Your strange!!" She yelled whistling loudly drawing her massive crew onto horses retreating away from the battlefield. Luffy coughed swiping away the dirt the animals kicked up watching them disappear into the horizon.

"Luffy! Luffy! Luffy!" The straw hat crew bombarded their captain with questions.

Nami was the first one to hit clutching his cardigan beri signs in place of her eyes and drool leaking from the sides of her mouth. "Where's the treasure?"

It's right over—" without warning she tossed Luffy aside hugging the knapsack of treasure that she missed dearly.

"Glad you won captain they were a bunch of wimps anyway." Zoro stated unimpressed with the strength displayed by the pirates that attempted to rob them.

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