Chapter 17

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He picks me up quickly and takes me inside closing the door behind us. I just stare off into space. The pale yellow walls don't look that bad in here. He sits down on the couch with me and holds me close. His heartbeat brings me back to reality. Close to his chest, I hug him.

"Y'alright sweetheart"


"It wasn't 'er"

"Ya sure..."

"Ya would never dress 'er in rainbows and ponies. Jeans n flannels right?"

That's how I dressed her too...


"It's alright now"

After hours of calming me down, we head off to bed. Him and me lay close, as soon ad my head hits the pillow I fall asleep. I felt a gently kiss to my forehead as I drifted off to sleep.

I was violently woken up by him.

"Wake up!"

"What the hell!?" I sort of snap at him

"Ya were dreamin', screamin' n yellin'...."

I was dreaming about her, loosing him and her...

"Sorry..." I sigh

"It's alright sunshine"

I roll over, my back to him. He puts his arm over me and pulls close to him. He covers us up and kisses my neck.

"Ya can go back to sleep. I got ya, nothin' gon' happen to ya"

I nod and try to find sleep.

The bright sun peeks through the thin curtains and lands on my face. I groan and roll over to an empty bed.

"Sunshine?" I call with no answer

I sigh and get up. I walk around the house, empty. I look out the back door to see a fire going and him holding a white sheet. It's the girl. 'Burn the others, bury the ones ya love' his voice echoed through my mind. I watch from the kitchen as he sets the body into the fire. It was the right thing to do instead of just stabbing her and leaving her there. He watches the fire for a few minutes walks towards the house. I could have sworn I saw him wipe a tear from eyes, but I could be wrong. He opens the door and sees me,

"Mornin' sweetheart" He smiles and hugs me

"Mornin', thank ya" I hug him

"No problem it was for the best" He kisses me and hugs me once more. The smell of fire still on him.

-time skip to a month later-

I sit in the bed knitting a thick blanket, I currently have something like the flu. It honestly sucks. Four weeks pregnant and being sick is the worst feeling ever. No, its not the worst possible thing, but still.

I start having a coughing fit, its normal. He comes in quickly with steaming soup and water. He sits next to me and hands me water.

"Here ya go sunshine"

"Thanks, love" I drink some water and calm down

"I got ya soup too"

I set the water down and go to take the soup from him.

"I'll feed ya" He smiles

"I can feed myself" I slightly blush and smile.

"I know ya can but ya sick, princess" He feeds me a spoonful at a time

"I know this is early but who's gon delivery the baby?" I ask between spoonfuls

"I am"

I giggle, "You?"

"Yeah what's wrong with that? Been down there 'nough tim-"

I smack him in the forehead and laugh, "'m gonna find ya a book"

He grins, "I gotta read?"

"Yes my love, ya do"

The cold day slowly passes by. I'm bed bound, he won't let me leave. I want to go on a run but he says when I'm a 100% him and I can go. He takes care of me like I'm a sick old lady. No, I don't mind but I want to get up and move around some. My ass hurts from sitting here.

I finish my soup and he goes and cleans the dishes. I get out of bed and start doing yoga, don't worry it's safe. Being able to move and stretch again makes me feel alive, even though I already am.

"What are ya doin'?!" He comes in interrupting my concentration.


"Ya should be in bed!"

"I'm fine, trust me. I used to do this all the time"

"Ya sure it's safe?"

"Yes I'm sure. She was fine and I did this for nine months"

"Alright" He kisses my cheek and watches me

"Like what ya see" I giggle

He lays back and smirks, "Always did and always will"

"Weirdo" I laugh

"Nah it's just ya" He chuckles

After a painful week of being bed bound, I finally feel so much better. I bundle up and put my boots on. Man I missed these so much. I step outside into the cold, light snow falling. I put my hand on my stomach, smile and dream about what's going to happen in 8 months. My own baby again. Sadly, I won't be able to tell the gender until I give birth. My train of thought get interrupted when someone picks me up and runs off with me.

"What the fuck!?" I yell smacking the person's chest...which isn't... his...

"Let me the fuck go!"

"Ya ain't goin' anywhere" Its his brother...

"SUNSHINE!" I yell as loud as my lungs would allow. He didn't carry me too far by the time he rushed out of the house to come after us.

"I'm comin' baby!" He yells, catching up

"Still lovers huh?" His brother chuckles but with an attitude

"Why the hell do you care"

"Ya supposed to be dead"

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