Chapter seven Wildmoon

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      "I have some questions as well" WildMoon said. "Yes?" SapphireHeart said. "Why are you here?" WildMoon asked politely. "Well we're here for Claw" PearlWings said. "And what about Claw? I'm sorry I don't know if your comfortable with me asking" WildMoon said. He is very nice. "No it's fine. Maybe soon I will tell you" I said. "My second question is have you seen my sister? Her name is Glaze. She has hazel eye and have wings like mine and is a little shorter" WildMoon said. Wait his sister is Glaze?! "Actually yes" I said. "Where is she!?" WildMoon asked. "We don't know. I made her mad and then she stormed out of the kingdom" I said. WildMoon paused for a moment.

"I'm sorry" WildMoon said calmly. I gave him a confused look. "What?" I asked. "I'm Sorry about Glaze" WildMoon said. I didn't say anything. "Can you bring us to Queen Aqua?" SapphireHeart asked. "I can't. She's to worried about ocean" WildMoon said. "I understand" SapphireHeart said. "Want to come to my den?" WildMoon asked. "Sure" I answered. SapphireHeart and PearlWings nod.

We walk into WildMoon's den. "What's something about you guys?" WildMoon asked. "I like to sleep" SapphireHeart laughed. WildMoon smiles. "Can I tell him?" PearlWings asked me. I look at SapphireHeart. SapphireHeart nods. "I guess so" I said. PearlWings smiles. "I'm the unknown dragon" PearlWings said. "But you have to keep it a secret" SapphireHeart said. WildMoon looks at PearlWings. "Do you have any powers?" WildMoon asked. PearlWings nods. SapphireHeart gives PearlWings a wired look. "You never told me if you had any powers" SapphireHeart said.

PearlWings has powers? What kind? "Yes I do" PearlWings said. "What kind?" I asked. "I don't think I have time to explain" PearlWings said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Aren't those Queen wicked's? guards?" PearlWings asked pointing to the sky. "Yes" WildMoon answered. "Why are they here?" SapphireHeart asked WildMoon. "How would I know?" WildMoon asked. "Maybe we should find out are selfs" I said. "Oh no we can't" WildMoon said. I give him a weird look. "What? Why can't we?" I asked. "We can't be involved. That's what Queen Aqua said" WildMoon said. "So?" I said. "So we sit here and wait" WildMoon said. I got very angry. "She isn't the Queen yet until she finds PearlWings! So she can't tell us what to do!" I snapped.

WildMoon, PearlWings, and SapphireHeart gave me a dirty look. "But she is one of the Queens" WildMoon said. He didn't sound angry at me. "Your not mad at me?" I asked. "Why would I be mad at you?" WildMoon asked. There was a long pause. "How could you not? I yelled at you" I said. WildMoon laughs. Why is he laughing? "I understand why you were mad. You were just saying your opinion. About how feel about Queen Aqua" WildMoon said. Well he does have a point. "So what now?" I asked. SapphireHeart looks at WildMoon. WildMoon nods. "We find out what's going on" SapphireHeart said.

     WildMoon leads us to Queens Aqua's palace.  I see it up ahead. It's huge. We walk into the palace. I can finally get answers. "ma'am, may we speak with" WildMoon asked. Queen Aqua. "What are you names?" Queen Aqua asked. "My name is WildMoon. This is SapphireHeart and Claw" WildMoon said. I wonder where PearlWings is? Oh that's right she can't be seen by the queens. "Queen Aqua. Do you recognize me by any chance or heard of someone have the same name as me. Claw" I said. "Actually yes I have. He was a red dragon for some reason he was very special. Why?" Queen Aqua asked. She was pretty nice like Queen blitz. "Claw. We can't do this right now. We came here to ask what's going on" SapphireHeart whispered to me. I nodded. I thought we came here for me. "The real question is what's going on?" WildMoon asked. "I'm not supposed to tell you" Queen Aqua said. "It's important" WildMoon said.

     Queen Aqua gave us a weird look. "Hmm. Fine. But you don't tell anyone else. You understand?" Queen Aqua asked us. We all nod. "Good. My sister. Queen wicked has threatened to kill me if I don't give her treasure back" Queen Aqua said. "Why don't you give it back then?" I asked. "My sister always takes stuff from me. So I'm giving her own taste of medicine" Queen Aqua said. "AQUA" Queen Ash roared. Oh no. "Ash?" Queen Aqua said. "You know this isn't going to end well for you. Wicked is much stronger than you" Queen Ash said. "Oh it's like you can Beat her" Queen Aqua said. "At least I'm not a coward" Queen Ash said. "Your describing blitz" Queen Aqua said. "At least she takes care of her people and also not lose her OWN daughter" Queen Ash snapped.

Queen Aqua gave Ash a dirty look. "At least I don't go and fight whoever I want" Queen Aqua said. "At least I don't lose a Fire dragon that has a demon inside of it" Queen Ash said. "First of all the Fire dragon didn't have a demon inside of it" Queen Aqua snapped. "Then what was it?" Queen ash snapped back. "I don't know! Why don't you ask his parents wherever they are now" Queen Aqua said. "WOULD YOU BOTH SHUT UP" PearlWings snapped. Queen Aqua and Queen Ash pause for a moment. They gave PearlWings a weird look. Then they realized. It was her. She was the unknown dragon.

End of chapter.

The unknown dragon book 1: into the unknown Where stories live. Discover now