Girls Bathroom

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It's been around two or three months since Mitsuba had made his new friends. Classmates started to notice that Mitsuba and Kou were spending more time together and suspected that they were dating, even other classes who barely spoke to them suspected it.

Mitsuba and Kou raced to the bathrooms to see who could make it first, At the door, they both tripped on top of each other, "Aha! My plan worked see Yashiro!" Hanako cheered, "Did they kiss! Yashiro check if they kissed!" Yashiro walked over to them and checked if they had, Mitsuba was looking up at Kou who was on top of him, luckily Kou was able to stop himself from falling, but it looked like Kou had trapped Mitsuba in a kabe-don, Yashiro walked over to the two and helped Kou up, "Hanako-kun your plan didn't work!" Yashiro shouted, Kou and Mitsuba trotted behind Yashiro following her into the bathrooms.
"Why would you try and make me kiss the lame-ass traffic earring kid!" Mitsuba protested
"That's a mean nickname!" Kou crossed his arms and turned his head looking away from Mitsuba, you could hear Yashiro giggling in the background. "Aren't you two dating? Everybody in the school says you are." Hanako was confused, he was sure they were a couple. Kou and Mitsuba stared at each other in complete disbelief, Kou looked over at Yashiro and asked her if she knew anything, "Uh- uhm.. I thought you two were dating, but I never told anyone! I've only ever heard of it!" Yashiro responded nervously. Hanako glided towards Yashiro and hugged her from the back, "Don't try and blame my assistant!"
"I wasn't I was just asking!" Kou put his hands up as a surrendering gesture.

Yashiro started to clean the bathrooms and Kou helped her. Hanako was playing cards with the mokke and Mitsuba watched as he waited for his turn.


It was the next day and even though it wasn't a bathroom cleaning day they still went into the bathroom stalls. Mitsuba and Kou had always wondered what Hanako did on his own alone time, Kou sneakily led them in and they both stared at Hanako who was sitting near the window scrunched up into a ball, he looked so lonely. They both looked at him for a while jntil they both turned around because they heard a screech, AHHH! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT IN THERE!" the same short girl who had told Mitsuba he had a crush on Kou was standing before them, "We were looking at our-" Kou was about to say our friend but that wouldn't make any sense because the girl can't see him, Mitsuba quickly made an excuse "It's just that the girls are so lucky to have a window to see the outside while the boy's bathroom reeks and we don't have a window!" The girl walked inside the bathrooms and slammed the door on them. Mitsuba and Kou glanced at each other, that girl was crazy, 'any middle schooler who thought of doing anything perverted probably was the definition of low-life' is what their stares looked like. Either way, they both skipped away from the door, this time racing to Yashiro's classroom. Once they arrived they were breathing heavily, Yashiro rushed towards them, "Are you guy's okay? What happened" Yashiro asked worried about the state her underclassmen were in. A purpled-haired girl trotted behind Yashiro, "Oh you two are our underclassmen who are dating right!" the girl asked brightly, Mitsuba gave her a death glare and stated firmly "We aren't dating."
"O-oh i'm sorry, I'm Akane Aoi by the way! Nice to meet you!" Aoi waved, Kou introduced himself and he could tell Mitsuba didn't want to, so for his sake, he introduced him to Aoi.
"Okay, before we keep talking, what's going on you look so stressed?" Yashiro looked. worriedly at Kou but kept her hand on top of Mitsubas head occasionally stroke it, Mitsuba didn't mind if it was one of his friends doing it. Kou explained that a girl thought they were perverts when in reality they were spying on Hanako to see what he was like when he was alone. "And what should I do about that?" Yashiro asked,
"I don't know! Can you change the rumors as you do with the seven wonders?!" Kou replied
"Yashiro was the one changing the rumors!?" Mitsuba was confused, why did they never tell me this?
"I thought you noticed sorry Mitsuba! But yes Kou I'll try and make something up! Also, I'll fix the dating rumor as well!" Yashiro said quickly but in a reassuring manner.
"Thank you Yashiro-senpai!" Mitsuba was happy that Yashiro was some one that you could rely on. Mitsuba walked out of the room, he noticed that Kou wasn't behind him so he just assumed he wanted to spend more time with Yashiro. "What is it Kou-kun? Aren't you heading out with your friend?" Aoi asked she gave a couple of glances at Yashiro who was also puzzled.
"Yashiro.. about the dating rumor, could you keep some aspects of it? Like how we supposedly sneak out for fun- you don't have to I just- just think it will be fun." Kou looked up at Yashiro, she knew something was up, Kou wasn't the type to ask for something unless it was very special to him, Yashiro agreed to this request and started spreading the newly made rumors the next day.

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